Chang Moo Kwan: The Source

Kyo Sa Eliseo Martinez

San Pedro In Photos

San Pedro In Photos


In 1992 Kyo Sa Eliseo Martinez was one of the founding members of The San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Chang Moo Kwan Club.  At 13, he and his younger brother Salvador Martinez (12) were eager teenager with a instant love for martial arts and training.  Kyo Sa Martinez never missed class, always stayed after, and became a great aide to helping the younger and newer students with the basics.  His patience and understanding of many of the "at risk youths" was invaluable to the development of the club.  Quickly raising to black belt, he was able to test for his next level in front of the watchful eye of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, his son hack Lee, and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.


For the last several years he had been aside the South Bay, California head instructor Master David Johns helping him build up a few other Dojangs (Studios) in the area.  Kyo Sa Martinez has recently relocated to Arizona where he plans to continue the spread of Chang Moo Kwan with another South Bay instructor Kyo Sa Cosmo Magaliozzi. 

February 2011

 Chang Moo Kwan

6th Degree Black Belt Ceremony

Korean Friendship Bell

 San Pedro, California

Kyo Sa Eliseo Martinez
Historical Photos

Kyo Sa Eliseo Martinez focuses on his next move as he pounds out a Chang Moo Kwan form with his instructor Master David Johns.  Master Johns and Kyo Sa Martinez have worked hard at building the youth programs through Boys and Girls Clubs in San Pedro and the South Bay.  This shot is very fitting as the bond through the rigors of articulating form, they have both, with similar passion, redirected hundreds of "at risk youths" in the South Bay, California.

1994 Kyo Sa Martinez, Co-team Captain with Cho Kyo Carlos Santa Olaya, did very well in tournaments, but what was more impressive was their fostering of "team spirit" with the other San Pedro Boys and Girls Club contestants.

1995 Kyo Sa Eliseo Martinez (Left kneeling) helped his team bring home more honors in the 1996 Inter School Chang Moo Kwan Tournament.  On the right in front of Is Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Team Co-Captain Carlos Santa Olaya.

1996 Kyo Sa Eliseo Martinez on the far left hold one of the awards her received that day.  Next to him is his younger brother Salvador and to the far right is Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman with his son Ian.  Next to Grandmaster Wiedenman is Cho Kyo Carols Santa Olaya.  The San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Chang Moo Kwan team emerged the number one team of the day.

1997 Kyo Sa Eliseo Martinez and Cho Kyo Salvador Martinez received their black belts together.  It was an amazingly emotional day capping off four hard years of training. 

1997 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman is recognized in a magazine article.  Joining him on the opposite end of their growing San Pedro Boys and Girls Chang Moo Kwan Club.  Kyo Sa Martinez was a crucial part of maintaining, training, and administration of the now 6 year old club.

Kyo Sa Eliseo Martinez (Center) is flanked by South Bay head instructor Master David Johns and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.  Also in the back row is Cho Kyo Claudia Montez.