Chang Moo Kwan: The Source

Grandmaster Byung In Yoon

May 18, 1920 - April 3, 1983

Chang Moo Kwan Events

San Pedro In Photos

Chang Moo Kwan Events

San Pedro In Photos


This section is to provide Photos and commentary of the mysterious life of Grandmaster Byung In Yoon, who was said to be the first Grandmaster of Chang Moo Kwan.

This rare photo Grandmaster Byung In Yoon several friend at a time of leisure.  Since Grandmaster Yoon disappear during the Korean war, this photo was most likely taken sometime between 1945 and 1950 between wars.

This photo is taken from the Chang Moo Kwan Bible, the green book.  Grandmaster Byung In Yoon has a triangle surrounding his face.  The master with the square around his face in none other then Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.

194?, one of the first peomotion test.  Behind the shiny table is Grandmaster Byung In Yoon sitting in thee center with a vest on.   On his left is a young Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee

A large class of very serious Chang Moo Kwan students, early.  It is interesting to note in the three previous photos we Grandmaster Byung In Yoon center front.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is sitting two people to the right of Grandmaster Byung In Yoon.

Circa between 1945 and 1950 Grandmaster Byung In Yoon