Chang Moo Kwan: The Source

Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee
Traditional Chang Moo Kwan Founder
His Story in Photos

San Pedro In Photos

San Pedro In Photos


2013: The noble portrait of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee rests on the steps of San Pedro's Korean Bell monument.   Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman observes:  "Wherever we train, you will find Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's portrait.  Respectfully, each class bows and in doing so acknowledges our traditions, Chang Moo Kwan heritage, and the debt we owe Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually to Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee. "


We were lucky in many ways, but it is still amazing Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee decided to make San Pedro, California his home.  Sand Pedro may be one of the only places outside Korea to have a Historic Korean Temple style bell.  Even more of a coincidence, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman also called San Pedro his home for many years.  “This had to be fate; I had only seen Supreme Grandmaster in Seoul, Korea and at our promotion tests at Chung’s Chung Moo Kwan in Pomona, California.  To find he lived just a half of a mile from my San Pedro YMCA Dojang and a mile from my home was at first incomprehensible.  We don't even have a Korean restaurant here n San Pedro.”

Of all the places in the United States for the Koreans to build a monument to the American involvement in the Korean War, they chose Pt. Fermin, Mac Arthur Park, to donate a huge, traditional actual temple size bell.  This has made a wonderful backdrop for almost all our Chang Moo Kwan events for the last thirty plus years.

Summer 1983:  On his first of three Far East tours, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman stopped at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters in Seoul Korea in June of 1983.  This was the first of several times he would drop in on Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.   Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee knew Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman pretty well as he was in attendance of his 2nd through 5th degree promotions tests through Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung’s Pomona, California Chang Moo Kwan studio where Grandmaster Wiedenman trained and was head instructor.   The first trip Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was very hospitable, going to the trouble of finding a place for Grandmaster Wiedenman to train.


Unfortunately, for Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman it was a WTF “World Tae Kwon Do” affiliated Dojang.   Grandmaster Wiedenman knew little or nothing about the WTF system and their techniques He had only focused on only traditional Chang Moo Kwan.  "It was a struggle, I longed to get back to Chang Moo Kwan, but I did not want to take the chance of disappointing the Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  I had no idea I would be training with him 18 years later” In the background the reader may recognize from some of the older photos that this is the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters trophy case.

1998:  Location: San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--Shortly after his first Adult class at the San Pedro YMCA, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee took a photo with Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.   Compare it to the photo prior, almost 20 years separate that first day in Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lees office.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman noted: “Can you imagine; had I known how Life was going to unfold all those years ago in Seoul in Supreme Grandmaster’s office?  I was just a nervous kid in awe I was even standing next to what many considered one of the pillars of Korean Martial Arts, and I considered a Korean National Treasure.  Now, decades later, he had agreed to teach me.  The events really solidified the axiom: ‘When a door opens pass through it.’


The uniform Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is wearing here is the one Grandmaster Wiedenman had tailored and modified per the photo in the issue of TKD Times.  Supreme Grandmaster had told Grandmaster Wiedenman he had no uniform, after he was asked to teach at the San Pedro YMCA.  Grandmaster Wiedenman told him “no problem, I’ll take care of that for you.”  Grandmaster Wiedenman picked up the October 1993 issue of “Inside Tae Kwon Do and used the ‘portrait’ photo inside to recreated an appropriate uniform, bought him the most expensive uniform he could find, and actually had a belt embroidered for Supreme Grandmaster with his name on one side and Chang Moo Kwan on the other.  To this date in may be the first time a then ‘master’ presented a black belt to a ‘grandmaster.’ 


Grandmaster Wiedenman noted: “I remember presenting the new uniform to him proudly, dropping it off at Supreme Grandmaster’s San Pedro residence a day or two before he taught his first class.  He nodded and said thanks.  He smiled.  I wrapped the belt wrapped neatly around a meticulously folded uniform.  Later I found out I had bought a size too big, so Supreme Grandmaster had it tailored to fit.  He loved the uniform.  When we met at the San Pedro YMCA before either his adult or private classes, I always met him outside in the front entrance.  He would smoke a cigarette outside the front of the entrance before and after each class, just as he had probably done in the 1950’s in Korea.  Nobody bothered him even though he was smoking the cigarette right below a huge red ‘no smoking sign.’”

Fall 1998:  Location--San Pedro YMCA Dojang Adult Class:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee teaches a new form to Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master David Johns.  Supreme Grandmaster taught one adult class a week on Wednesday nights at the San Pedro YMCA.  Master David Johns was one of the few black belt level instructors to train directly under Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  Currently, he heads a traditional Chang Moo Kwan Dojang in San Pedro at the very same YMCA classroom where Supreme Grandmaster and Grandmaster Wiedenman taught and trained.  Along with Master George Fullerton, Master Johns perpetuates Chang Moo Kwan with heart and soul and trained frequently and seriously with Supreme Grandmaster Lee.


 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman commented on the photo by saying: “At first we were all very nervous and tentative.  We were truly speechless.  However, Supreme Grandmaster put us at ease by just being very ‘peacefully vigilant’.  I could not believe how at ease he was.  He had told me it had been over thirty years since he had taught a class, yet here he was picking up mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically right where he had left off…he was clearly at ease…he had 'Come home.'"

Fall: 1998:  Location--San Pedro YMCA Dojang Adult Class:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee works with Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman on new advanced forms during a Wednesday night Adult Class at the San Pedro YMCA.  Supreme Grandmaster spent the majority of his adult group classes and his private lessons with Grandmaster Wiedenman working on form.  It was very clear this was his foundation, and it did not matter what your rank was, you were going to form.

The photos you see here of the YMCA Dojo and the ones on are the only ones that have surfaced in which Supreme Grandmaster Lee is actually teaching and performing forms and techniques in modern history.  All the photos were taken at the San Pedro YMCA on several occasions.  Important to note is that when most of the photos were taken by Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and his associates, it was thought they had all the time in the world.  Supreme Grandmaster Lee looking better than ever, he was energetic, having fun, and back in his true element.   Supreme Grandmaster was in full swing teaching Chang Moo.   Everybody thought he was there to for a long time to come.  In April 2000, it came as a complete and total shock when Supreme Grandmaster suddenly fell ill, needed emergency stomach surgery, and from this surgery he fell gravely ill due to complications, slipping into a coma.

 “I was crushed when I learned of Supreme Grandmaster Lee’s sudden illness.  He just did not show up to class on day, which was not like him.  I found out from a family member he had been stricken after a surgery—that I did not even know he was having.  I immediately visited him at a rehab center in Gardena, California.  Supreme Grandmaster was very ill, and unable to respond.  Over the next few months I visited him often.  Master Fullerton stopped by too.  It was clear he was not doing well.  We put together a bulletin board with some photos of our classes.  We all kept Supreme Grandmaster in our prayers.”

Grandmaster Wiedenman recalls “We treasure all the photos we have, we cherish the time with him, and it is and was priceless.  I wish we truly knew how precious our time really was with Supreme Grandmaster Lee.  It really taught me to embrace what you have while you do and not to take anything for granted.”

March 29, 1999: Location-- San Pedro YMCA Dojang Adult Class:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee demonstrates a jumping cross block which is a part of one of Chang Moo Kwans’ traditional forms as Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master George Fullerton look on.   “Believe me, when Supreme Grandmaster demonstrated…everybody stopped and watched.  It was like observing a miracle in motion.  Grandmaster Name Suk Lee was very active and energetic.  During our private lessons he generally did forms and one steps right along my side.  He was seventy four years old, but all evidence to the contrary.   It was simply like nothing else I have ever witnessed.  He was so completely in tune with the art and those he taught.”  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman commented.   


Grandmaster Wiedenman video tapped some 50 hours of class and practices, so tens of thousands of these video caps and actual be viewed and actual tape will memorialize hours of classes.  It is important to note these tapes are the only tapes known to exist of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in action.

Summer 2000:  Location--San Pedro YMCA Dojang Private Class:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman work on one-steps, traditional Chang Moo Kwan forms, and advanced techniques during private classes.  Supreme Grandmaster would often “try things out” with Grandmaster Wiedenman shortly before presenting them to the regular adult class. Grandmaster Wiedenman quickly realized his strategy; he did his best to pay unusually close attention so he could effectively help Supreme Grandmaster when he taught their group classes.

Grandmaster Wiedenman has said:  "When Supreme Grandmaster Lee and I would practice one on one, he would practice almost 100% of the time along side of me.  This, I know, was a rare thing, and a true honor…and a lot of welcomed pressure too.  It was apparent we were both growing mentally, physically, and spiritually during this time.  One hour seemed like a few minutes yet and hour…it was a really strange paradox.  I never lost sight for a moment of who I was in relationship to Supreme Grandmaster, but   he seemed so at ease and compassionate it was difficult.  For total lack of a better way to describe it, Supreme Grandmaster was really enjoying himself.  Out of everything I took out of my training with him, talking to him, learning from him I think the most important take away was Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was involved in something extremely meaningful to him, something deep inside was coming out.  I believe it was a spirit maybe he had even given up on or thought lost.  I am grateful I was a part of this wonderful sliver of history.

Grandmaster Wiedenman videotaped almost all of the private lessons by setting the video camera--with Supreme Grandmaster's permission--on a black speaker in the rear of the YMCA Dojang.  The video camera is seen in the viewer's rear left behind lamp.
Summer 2000: Location San Pedro YMCA Dojang--Shortly after Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee passed away, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, Master George Fullerton, Master Tony Barnes, and Master David Johns presented a forms unification seminar where all forms taught and passed on by Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee were demonstrated by Grandmaster Wiedenman.  It was a wonderful day where almost all the Masters involved with Supreme Grandmaster’s training were present.  With respect to Supreme Grandmaster, the event took place at the San Pedro YMCA Dojang.

Grandmaster Wiedenman reminded the Masters present that it is fitting Supreme Grandmaster began teaching the spirit of Chang Moo Kwan in a Seoul Korea, YMCA and he completed a cycle of sorts at the San Pedro YMCA.  “It was like a coming home for him, I am sure,” Grandmaster Wiedenman has said many times.  “He was welcomed with open arms, compassionate hearts, and empty cups.”  Grandmaster Wiedenman has said.  The “empty cup” analogy is a reference to a very important incident in the beginning of Grandmaster Wiedenman and Master Fullerton’s relationship with Supreme Grandmaster, where he had apparently been warned not to teach Grandmaster Wiedenman and his students.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee exclaimed “You and your students have many things you do different.  How can you change?”   It was a special meeting prearranged between Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, Grandmaster Wiedenman and Master George Fullerton.   Of all places, the meeting was set at Supreme Grandmaster’s favorite MacDonald’s.  Grandmaster Wiedenman took a partially filled cup of coffee and poured it out on the linoleum floor, and then he set it back on the table.  Supreme Grandmaster just managed an ever so slight smile.  “Ok.”  He said.  Grandmaster Wiedenman and Master Fullerton needed no more of an explanation: training went on full speed.

Grandmaster Wiedenman, Master Fullerton, and Master Johns still maintain reasonable control over the traditional Chang Moo Kwan forms as the know them.  All trained under the watchful eye of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.

IN THE PICTURE:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's upper black belts from viewer's left to right:  Master David Johns, 6th; Master George Fullerton, 8th; Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, 9th; Master Marty Marcus, 8th; Master Tony Barnes, 8th; Master Alex Parades, 5th Master Rome Saura, 6th; Master Wilson Wong, 6th; not in this photos are Master Louis Rodriquez, 5th; and Master Gene Hahn 5th; Mr. Cosmo Magliozzi, 3rd.

November 3, 1948: Seoul, Korea:  This is a commemorative photo taken after the 3rd Regular Promotion Test held at the Seoul, Korea Y.M.C.A.  At that time, Pre-Korean War, a regular Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do promotion test was held twice a year with an intermediate test held in-between. In the second row sitting fourth from the viewer's right is Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  The second person for his right would be Chang Moo Kwan’s First Grandmaster Byung In Yoon.

Interesting also is the fact no white doboks (Uniforms) are worn in this photo.  Either they changed quickly, or they trained in the "Chinese" looking collared shirts and loose pants which some of the young men are wearing.

This is a truly amazing photo given its time in place.  A frozen moment just a few short years after the end of World War II, and the freedom from the austere oppression of over thirty years of Japanese tyranny, which quite literally was the only life anyone in this picture is likely to ever have known.  Especially suppressive, the several years prior to World War II, Japan assertive and ruthlessly enforced their rule over the Korean Peninsula.  Korea was, from the inception of Japanese occupation in the early 1900’s, a springboard to their regional dominance of China and beyond.  In the latter half of the 1930’s, Japan stepped up control by not allowing Korean to be taught or spoke, forcing Korean to pray to Japanese deities, and having complete control over government, commerce, and education.  It was a dark time for Korea and an indelible stain on the Japanese Imperialists of the time. 

Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman touched on this one time with Supreme Grandmaster Lee, and said only:  “When Supreme Grandmaster and I talked about his youth and the impact of growing up under Japanese Imperialistic dominance he kept it at ‘they were very dark times.” 

Worthy of comprehension too, this photo, and the three which were taken just few short years before the Korean conflict that would divide an already war torn country struggling for its identity.  The Russians were propagating and nurturing communism in the North, and the Korean Peninsula was already divided much the same as Berlin after World War II.  Hauntingly, many of the young faces in this photo would be lost in a war that pitted brother against brother, North against South, Communism against Democracy.  Sadly, the most significant lost was the first Grandmaster of Chang Moo Kwan, pictured here, Grandmaster Byung In Yoon.  By a fluke, his was spirited to the North, and lived out his days under a very different type of oppression in which he was born into, that of Communist North Korea.

Note: This is one of the earliest known photos of early organized Chang Moo Kwan. Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman spoke about the significance of the photo: "What I find absolutely amazing is the fact Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee began rebuilding Korea by teaching Chang Moo Kwan in a Seoul, Korea YMCA.  Almost fifty years later, Supreme Grandmaster Lee was teaching again at our San Pedro YMCA, with an entirely different set of circumstances and students.  What a wonderful cycle, beginning and ending his Chang Moo Kwan journey and influence.   I think the importance of Supreme Grandmaster Lee's contributions to revitalizing the spirit of Korea through programs such as Chang Moo Kwan cannot be overlooked.  His contributions were very significant to Korea and an inspiration to generations to follow.  He lends new meaning to the Dharma Buddhist saying ‘Fall Seven, Rise Eight, Life Begins Today.’  What complete and unabridged resiliency. 

What really sets Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee above and beyond was his ability to rise ‘like a Phoenix from the ashes after yet another horrific set back, the Korean conflict between June 25 1950 and July 27, 1953.  Realistically, Chang Moo Kwan was just gaining momentum when the Korean War stymied its inertia. 

December 21, 1948:  Pictured here are the participants attending the 1st Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do promotion test at the Ministry of Communications Department.  Supreme Grandmaster Lee Nam Suk is located fourth from viewer's right.  Next to him on his right is Grandmaster Byung In Yoon.  The Chang Moo Kwan students are now wearing white doboks (uniforms) for the most part.  This is one of the few photos that shows Byung In Yoon in the center not Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  Observe how young Supreme Grandmaster Lee looks, he is in his early 20’s.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman notes “you realize Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is on the ground floor or building his own Kwan or his early twenties…it is a testimony to his convictions and tenacity of vision.  Now that is Chang Moo Kwan spirit and ‘cultivating capabilities!’ is all about!”

The painting on the back wall is interesting too.  It appears to be two Chang Moo Kwan practitioners fighting.  Grandmaster Wiedenman is guessing that the gentleman with distinctive dark rimmed glassed in the back row 5th from the viewers left is grandmaster Sun Koo Kim.  He is the direct instructor of the world renowned Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung, who was Grandmaster Wiedenman Chang Moo Kwan teacher from 1978. Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim went on to be Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee’s right hand man and later Chang Moo Kwan vice president.   It is rumored that some time in the 1970’s Grandmaster Kim became involved in Christian Ministries.


Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, Master Anthony Barnes, and Master George Fullerton have several black belt certificates singed by Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim; Master David Johns, Master Alex Paredes, Master Wilson Wong, Master Rome Saura and Master Luis Rodriquez also have Black Belt certificates endorsed by Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim.


Both Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim and Dae Woong Chung were instrumental in the spread of Chang Moo Kwan:  Grandmaster Kim through the Fifties and Sixties in Korea, and Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung though out the last fifty years United States as one of the pioneers and most respected proponents of Chang Moo Kwan. 


February 2, 1949: Founders, Masters, and Students at the 2nd Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do Demonstration at the Y.M.C.A Seoul, Korea.  With the square surrounding him is Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee 2nd “President” from 1950 until his death in 2000 standing in one of the few photos where we can see him in a uniform.  Here he is wrapped in what appears to be a black belt with a white center.  The entire back row wears a similar belt.   The diamond surrounds the 1st “President” of Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do Supreme Grandmaster Byung In Yoon.  Just a few years later he was to disappear to North Korean during the Korean War.  He passed away in North Korean in the 1980's.  Just a few years after Korea’s freedom for Japanese Imperialism, it would be great to know who all the Masters and Instructors were in the center row.  There are three who look as if they may be well into mid life.  In historical perspective, given Japanese annexation of Korea in 1909, these gentleman may have been young pre-Japanese annexation of Korea.  We also can observe several different types of dress: suits and ties, doboks, and traditional garb.  It is exciting to know that this photo is not entirely different then one taken in th21st century following a traditional martial arts demonstration.  The dignitaries dressed in suits and the participants in uniforms.


This is a rare photo for another reason:  Supreme Grandmaster is in his dobok (uniform) and is standing.  Supreme Grandmaster Lee would be in his twenties here.   He is actually looking somewhat happy.  Again historically, this photo was taken during that short social reprieve that Korea enjoyed between Japanese imperialism and the Korean conflict starting June 25, 1950 just about 18 months after this photo with, of course, the political tensions beginning well before then.   If you look close at the rear center you see a traditional basketball court, further evidence the photo was taken at a YMCA facility.

Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman noted “in 1949, the Korean Conflict a few years out, you have the hopefulness of youth and vitality centered on the promotion of a developing Chang Moo Kwan.  Where we will ever know who all the men are in this photo, we can be they were brought together by their love and understanding of the importance of practicing martial arts and the positive impact it  would have on Korea’s rebirth as a nation.  They were warriors and this is the true essence of martial arts spirit.  They were rebuilding their country and it morality through the benefits of the ‘arts.’  What affects me so introspectively is the sheer hardships these gentlemen have already been through; split families, death, suppression, denial of human rights.  To bridle their optimism, vision, energy, courage, and hope is to grasp a purposefulness that is often overlooked in modern martial arts application.”

It is very important to note this photo, and the prior two, are the only photos presently available reflecting Chang Moo Kwan and martial arts activity in “between war” Korea, roughly 1945 to 1950.  We are very lucky to have these three. 

1953 (Circa): The Korean caption say "In memory of the Korean War." Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is seated center with senior members of the Ministry of Communications Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do Department surrounding him.  Supreme Grandmaster Lee held employment at the Ministry of Communications for several years, so it would make sense he would have established a school there.  From left to right: Un Yong Lee, Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim, Sung Kyoo Kwak, Chul Joon Son.  Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim was the instructor of Southern California Chang Moo Kwan legend Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung in the years that followed the Korean War.


Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Masters Tony Barnes, George Fullerton, David Johns, Alex Paredes, Rome Saura, Wilson Wong, and Luis Rodriquez all have certificates from Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim and Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung.  Grandmaster Wiedenman first met Grandmaster Chung in 1976 when he was enrolled at California Polytechnic University, Pomona where Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung maintained one of the most traditional Chang Moo Kwan studios maintained to that date.  This studio still serves traditional Chang Moo Kwan well, as the older forms are still practiced with guarded integrity. 


Grandmaster Wiedenman maintains:  “I was the student of Grandmaster Chung’s from 1976.   "Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung, and his instructors and students, are a very clear and undeniable representation of traditional Chang Moo Kwan as passed on by Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim." 


Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim was a student, friend, and supporter of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee before and after the Korean War.  “Grandmaster Chung used to tell me Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was so revered in the post war years that his photo was in almost every Dojang.”   Grandmaster Wiedenman has noted.  Both Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee’s and Dae Woong Chung’s portraits honor the Dojang walls still.

December 1953: Pictured are the participants in the 13th regular promotion test.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee can be seen in the center second row from the bottom.  The second person to his left is Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim who would later serve a vice president of Chang Moo Kwan.  When you think of this photo being taken in the same year The Korean Conflict ended, it really is a testimonial to the continuing vision of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee. 
No longer in the photos, is Supreme Grandmaster Lee’s partner and great friend Grandmaster Byung In Yoon.  In the top left you can see a portion of the South Korean Flag.  It must have been more meaningful than words can express to fly ‘their Korean Flag of Freedom’ anywhere they could.  National spirit had to be proudly expressed after being so hard won. 
The students in the fore and background look optimistic…they would carry the torch to the future whether involved in Chang Moo Kwan or Korean re-building…they all had their teeth cut with the sharp blades of two wars. 

March 9, 1955: This photo shows the participants as a Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do demonstration as the Citizen's Hall in Myungdong, Seoul, Korea. Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is second from viewer's right. Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim, Vice President, is located standing viewer's far left end--He has ever present dark rimmed glasses on. Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman mentioned: "It is very historic, my first five black belt certificates come from Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim and are countersigned by my teacher Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung. My later certificates and credential are signed and sealed by Supreme Grandmaster Lee. I am lucky to have be steeped in two of the main Chang Moo Kwan traditions.


Note the wrapped flowers in the foreground.

June 9, 1956:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is sitting in the second row just left of the center with a white brim hat in his lap.  This photo was taken after a Chang Moo Kwan Promotion test and demonstration.

August 1957:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is in the center of photo with his suit on.  He is with "senior members of Chang Moo Kwan."


This is a very interesting building, and at this time we do not know which one it is.

1957: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, located in the middle, take a photograph with " senior members."  Interestingly, generally the Masters are arranged with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in the middle.  Here, the line forms tallest to shortest.

1957:  This is a photo of the 1st Jeonbuk Headquarters  Promotion Test.  Everybody, including Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee seems to diverting their attention to their right.  I think the tree is an oddity too.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in the light suit, seated, third from the  viewers right.


Worthy of note, many of the photos from the "Green Book" have information written on the negative...probably a black pen that when reversed is white.

1957: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, located in the middle, take a photograph with "provincial senior members."
May 1957:  For the commemoration of the opening of the Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do at the Navy Instillation in Mookho the local Chang Moo Kwan students put on a demonstration.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is sitting third from the viewer's right.  Note the instructors for the most part have a derby.  The sailors are all wearing thier hat while instrctors do not.

June 30, 1957:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee looks over the 4th Chang Moo Kwan Promotion Test. Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee  is located in the second row about the middle dressed in a suit.


Almost all the students are wearing white uniforms. (Dobok)  The old stone building in the background represents some interesting building material.

October 13, 1957: Pictured here is the 15 Regular Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do Promotion Test. Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is located sitting in front row, middle, in a light suit.


Note the soldier on the right with the high riding pant my be withan airborne division, and the crop of hair on the martial artistin the viewers right top.

October 27, 1957:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee attending the 3rd Promotion Test for Yongsan High School Chang Moo Kwan Class,  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is located second row center.  It looks like a few of the students may be military by their uniforms.
May 17, 1958 Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee sitting in the middle of the picture second row poses for a photo with members of the Jingae Dojang following a promotion test.  Note the corrugated tin training facility. 
One soldier has his hat on.
June 6, 1959:  This photo follows a promotion test at the Gochang Dojang in Korea.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is seated wearing a suit third from the viewer's right.  There are few photos, mostly from the 1950's, where the instructors wear hats.  Seemingly, out of style in this day and age, it was common place in post war Korea.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee has a hat and a lapel pin
June 28, 1959:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is located second row, seated, third of the "suits."  He was attending the 19th Promotion Test, and this photo was take after the test was completed.  It is clear by the size of the class Chang Moo Kwan is expanding.
June 29, 1959: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee attends an event with instructor and founder Yang Kyoo Lee and other senior officials.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is right in the middle and siting down.  From the late 1950's hats are in syle.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee seems to favor his white wide brimmed hat.
March 20, 1960:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee seated in the second row third from the viewers right.  The students were participants in the Mookho Promotion Test.  This is the first photo I have seen with a student wearing a patch.   (Viewer's far right second row).  Once again we have all the judges wearing black.
April 4, 1960:  This photo was taken after the 1st Promotion Test conducted by the Chungbuk Headquarters, Korea.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is in second row sitting second from the viewer's right.  Notice the gentleman with a full beard in second row.  That was a step out from the conservative Korea inthe 1960's.  There seems to be some black kung fu type Chinese uniforms mixed in with the trditional white doboks.

December 4, 1960:  the candidates and judges attending a promotion test at Ulsan, Korea pose for for a photo.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is located seated in the second row third black suit from viewer's right.


This is the first photo I can remember which all judges are wearing all black suits.
April 22, 1962: The 30th Dan (Degree) promotion test was held "in presence of President of Changmookwan Lee, Nam Suk."  One of the harder things when reviewing older photos is to decipher the name which is more often the not displayed as lst name first and above.  The instructor Master is noted as "Instructor Jun."  Instructor Jun, his trainees, and Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee commemorate the event.  Note want a beautiful dojang (studio) this is.  The open beams and shinny floor is superb.  There is a lot more script on the walls.  This looks like a real great place to train.
July 21, 1962:  Both Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim and Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee are located second  row seated in the middle.  The event was a promotion test at the Sungdong Technical High School. 
This photo is a testimonial to the popularity with Korea's youth.  Supreme Gandmaster Nam Suk Lee appears to be the only one in a suit.  We also have one judge in a tee shirt and two in casual button up shirts.

1963:  Two Chang Moo Kwan Master Instructors: Master Myung Soo Kinm and Wan Ju Lee prepare to leave to Thailand at the Kimpo Airport.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is in the center of the photo in the lighter colored suit.  Master Soo Kinm and Master Wan Lee have a lot of courage opening a dojang in Thailand, a country dominated by Muay Thai, the indigenous martial art there.


Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman stated: "When I was in Thailand, I trained with a few muay thai camps.  Muay Thai fighter are amoungst the best in the world.  They are trained to take amazing abuse to the body with hands, knees, feet and elbows.  I could not even come close to competing with them; however, when I demonstrated my jump spinning heal kick, there was a long silence and wide eyes. ALthough I am sure they thought there was a lot of wasted time in articulation, they could not deny the power and deceptive qualities of the technique.  I gained their respect quickly, and they already had mine."

1970: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee. center, with the "Winners of the Individual Championships."  Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim is on the viewers left.  Interestingly, the winners have both medals around their neck and certificates.  Note the over coats on the three judges.  I believe it is from viewer's right to left:  Grandmaster Soon Bae Kin, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, and Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim.
1970's (Circa): Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee from the "Green Book."  The caption says: "In front of the Capitol in Washington D.C., USA.  Somehow it must be a misprint...certainly not the "White House."
1972: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee on the viewer's right is sitting next to the Vietnamese Ambassador Xvam Chieu Pham.  It should be noted this was close to the end of the war in Vietnam.  Again. another stellar example of the influence of Chang Moo Kwan and Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in the early 1970's.
Circa Late 1960's:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  This is a portrait used for general purposes in the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters, Seoul, Korea.
September 1972:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee  pays a visit to an active volcano in Naples, Italy.
April 9, 1972:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents an appreciation certificate to honor the Chang Moo Kwan Daeku Dojang's opening.  the famous "Map" is in the background.  Daeku is a historical part of central Korea.
August 1972: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee poses outside a Chicago Dojang.  Grandmaster Lee is in the middle.
November 1972: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee accompanies Master Instructor Myung Koo Cho at the Kimpo Airport.  Myung Koo Cho is preparing to depart for his new Dojang in Curacao.  Alnybody who has been to the beautiful island of Curacao would understand why Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee loved the place.  It is below the hurrican belt and very tropical.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman said of Curacao: "The most beautiful thing about Curacao is the people.  The are a wonderful blend of all races and their characteristis and culture radiates this."
1970's (Circa): Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee from the "Green Book.  I think this may be Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lees own penmanship...they included it in the pages of the "Green Book" as you see here.
1973:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents an appreciation plaque to Marshall Johnson for his efforts at promoting Chang Mo Kwan in the United States.
August 1973:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Sung Ju Kim visit Master Marshall Johnson in the United States.
November 14, 1973:  Supreme Grandmaster Nan Suk Lee takes a moment for a commemorative photo as part of his welcome to Western Michigan University.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is in the light suit middle of photo.
April 1974: Master An receives a Chang Moo Kwan Banner at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters from Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee before he departs to open a studio in the USA.  The "Green Book" has photos of dozens of Master headed over seas.  This was a time of big expansion for Chang Moo Kwan and the Korean culture.  The ever present--for the early 1970's on--of the "map" is a testimonial to this expansion.
June 6, 1974:  This is a photo taken to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the foundation of Chang Moo Kwan.  Photo is taken at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters, Seoul, Korea.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is in the bottom row fourth from viewers's right.

July 28, 1974: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in the Taipei Airport during his visit to The republic of China.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is seen in the center of the photo with his arm affectionately around a young student,  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee exhibits his softer side.


As mentioned before the Republic of China, Taiwan, was on of Koreas greatrest allies, and the two countires we very close--two hours by jet.  Chang Moo Kwan was definately embraced there. 


Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman commented: "In the early 1980's when I did most of my traveling to the Far East, it was hard to find a dojang (studio) that practiced Traditional Chang Moo Kwan.  Taipei, Tiawan is one place where I did find strong roots in Chang Moo Kwan."

July 1974:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is holding a bouquet of flowers on a PR visit to the Republic of China, Taiwan.  Chang Moo Kwan was well established in the Far East as well as USA and Europe.  One of Korea's closest friend in the Far East was Taiwan. 
Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman mentioned:  "When I travelled to the Far East from 1983-1986, I found that Taiwasn had several locations which were practicing Traditional Cahng Moo Kwan as I knew it."  Note that Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is presented with flowers.  For all his lengthy travels during the late 1960 and early 1970's Grandmaster Lee must have been grateful for the short 2 hours flight between Seoul and Taipei.
July 28, 1974 Master Instructor Sung Soo Han visits the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters and receives a special plaque from Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee  for his contribution to the promotion of Chang Moo Kwan in the Republic of China, Taiwan.
August 1974: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents a award to Eugene Humenski at his tournament in the United States.  Eugene Humenski was a huge proponent of Chang Moo Kwan in the mid-west and widely respected by Korean and non-Korean instructors.

August 29, 1974 Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee attends the Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do Festival and tournament held in the United States by Master Marshall Johnson.  Master Johnson is on the viewers's far left and Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee seated center.  Note the Chang Moo Kwan logo on back wall.


Although the photo has a caption says Master Marshall Johnson, I think Master Eugen Humesky is the photo as well.


September 16, 1974:  On one of several trips to Canada, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee visits the Dojang of Canadian Master Instructor Sung So Park.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is second to the viewer's right.  This looks to be a very simple dojang with both the Korean and Canadian flag in front, and very simple folding chairs.
September 1974: Guatemalan Chang Moo Kwan instructor Master Yong Duk Kim pays a visit to Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee. Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is on the viewer's left.
September 1974: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee arrive by jet to Curacao.  Here Masters and students greet him on the Tarmac.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is on viewer'a far left hand side.
September 1974: "President" Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee arrives in Curacao and is met by dozens of excited Chang Moo Kwan students.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in the front  left hand side of flag.

September 1974: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents a souvenir Chang Moo Kwan pennant to the Vice Generalissimo of Curacao.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is on the viewer's right side of the pennant.


The relatively small Island embraced Chang Moo Kwan and Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in a big way.

September 1974:  A rare moment when Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee has a moment to unwind as he attends a party in Curacao given in his honor.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was rumored to be a great dancer.  Supreme Grandmaster is in center of the photo dancing with the pretty young lady.

It is great to see all the smiles and you can imagine what a thrill it would be to be at a dance with the Supreme Grandmaster.

January 1975:  Master In Sang Kim from Brasil is greeted at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters in Seoul, Korea.  The map seen in so many of his photos is in the background.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is third from viewer's right.  Here is another example of Chang Moo Kwan's global expansion.
May 1975: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee visits a Chang Moo Kwan Dojang in the United States.  Supreme Grandmaster is on the viewers right.
May 1975:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee on one of his several visits to Curacao.  Here Supreme Grandmaster is with Master Instructor Augustine K. Lee of the United States of America.
May 15, 1975 Master Instructor Kang Hee Rhee poses next to a calligraphy painting presented by Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee to him.  Photo was taken in the United States.  Supreme Grandmaster is on the Viewer's right side of painting.
June 1975: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Master Instructors gather outside Pusan, Korea station.
August 1975:  At the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters in Seoul, Korea, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents Master Instructor Cho with a exquisite plaque.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is holding the plaque on the viewer's left hand side.

August 2, 1975: The Guatemala delegation arrives at Korea's Kimpo Airport to participate in the 2nd World Tae Kwon Do Championships.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is in the center.


Chang Moo Kwan was embraced in Central America as well.  A delegation for Guatemala arrives in Korea to visit Chang Moo Kwan's source.

August 25, 1975: At the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters in Seoul, Korea Master Instructor Heung Tack Hur from the Netherlands and Master Instructor Shae Pok Hwang from West Germany pay a visit to two Chang Moo Kwan legends:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee--third from the viewer's right--and Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim---on the viewer's right.

September 5, 1975:  Master Instructor Il Hong Kim pays a visit to the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters in Seoul Korea.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee awards Master Kim with a plaque.  Master Kim came all the way from Spain where his dojang is located.

September 10, 1975:  Mr. Robert Clevers spent two months training in Korea in a special training course.  before he left, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presented him with a pennant to commemorate his experience.
September 1975: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee sits a the VIP table acting as Treasurer.  This was the 2nd assembly meeting of the World Tae Kwon Do. Federation.  In the back you can see the World Tae Kwon Do Fedreation banner flying.  At this point it was inevitable traditional Korean Arts like Chang Moo KWan were going to take a hit.

October 1975: Master Instructor Ju Sam Park pays a visit to the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters in Seoul, Korea.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents Master Park with a special Plaque to take back to his Canadian Dojang. 

In another photo in this section Master Park is getting an official flag, all bundled up in December.

October 22, 1975:  As Kyungsangbukdo Director, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee addressed the crowd.
October 22, 1975: Director Suh of the Kyungbuk Headquarters is awarded the prestigious "Letter of Appointment" from Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters in Seoul, Korea.
November 5, 1975:  Instructor Noble visits The Chang Moo Kwan Headquarters in Seoul, Korea to say good bye to Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee  after training for ten years here.  Mr. Noble is handed a plaque.
November 1975: Master Instructor Hae Chang from United States is presented with a special plaque from Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters.  This photo was taken in front of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's legendary trophy case.
November 9, 1975:  Before leaving for Brasil, Master Instructor Soon Myung Choi stops by the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters and receives a pennant from Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.

December 1975: Instructor Ju Sam Park from Canada receives a official Chang Moo Kwan Flag presented by Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters in Seoul, Korea.  Supreme Grandmaster is on the viewer's left.


The cool thing about this photo is Master Park is wearing what you would expect someone from Canada to wear...not to mention it was December in Seoul, Korea.  Here Masters Park  receives a flag, later there is a picture of Master Park getting a Plaque.

1976: Three legends of Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do meet in a get together at the Central Chang Moo Kwan Headquarters Seoul, Korea. Viewers left to right: President Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, Vice President Kim Soon Bae, and Vice President Sun Koo Kim.  It is cool to note the various flags in the background representing the different countries which Chang Moo Kwan has been developed in.  Interstingly, Supreme Grandmaster Lee is without a coat, and this is very rare in a photo.
1976: Supreme Grandmaster Na Suk Lee sits behind his desk at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters, Seoul, Korea. 

1976:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's trophy case in the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarter.  May photos are take in front of this case filled with trophies, plaques, pennants and statues.

1976: At the Central Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do Headquarters in Seoul, Korea Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee sits in front of his trophy wall. Behind him are dozens of trophies, plaques, flags and emblems. — at Seoul, Korea.
1976:  The world map in the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters the office of President Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee showing the distribution and spread of Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do.
1976: From the "Green Book," a snapshot of the leaders of the Central Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do Headquarters at that time: President Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, Grandmaster Vice President Kim Soon Bae, and Vice President Grandmaster Kim Sun Koo.

1976: President Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee at the front door of the of the Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do Headquarters Seoul, Korea.

Circa Early 1970's:  Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do President Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents a "Letter of Appointment," to the director of Kangwondo Headquarters Master Choio Young.  The "Letter of Appointment" allowed a studio to be recognized as legitimate and recognized by the Central Chang Moo Kwan Headquarters.  A school which has such a credentials is assumed to beacting in the best interests of "Traditional" Chang Moo Kwan.  Both Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and his system "White Tiger Chang Moo Kwan" have this credential.
Circa Mid 1970's President of Chang Moo Kwan and Supreme Grandmaster, Nam Suk Lee presents a "Letter of Appointment" to the director of the Kyunggido Headquarters henceforth appointing Chang Nam Kim to the Chang Moo Kwan family.
Circa Mid 1970's:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee awards a "Letter of Appointment" to Assistant Director Master Park of the Kyungbuk Dojang.  He is consequently appointed to the Chang Moo Kwan Family.
Circa 1970's: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee hands out an award to an unknown fighter at an unknown competition.
Circa Early 1970's President and Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee takes some time to meet with Master Tae Un Kim and Master Moo Young Kim from Jeju.  Both masters are directors of the Provincial Headquarters, and this was following the completion of the 2nd Class Referee Training Course.
Circa 1975:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents Master Instructor Chung Hsan Park from the United States  with a medal. Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is on viewer's left.  Once again the world map illustrating the current--1975--expansion of Chang Moo Kwan.  Again, another great example of how actively Chang Moo Kwan was spreading in the 1970's.
Circa Early to Mid 1970's:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee sends Master Instructor Kim Song off to his new home and Dojang in Australia.  Photo is taken at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters in Seoul, Korea.  Chang Moo Kwan was introduced to the "Land Down Under."
Circa Early to Mid 1970's: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters  Seoul, Korea, prepares to send Instructor.  Master Lee to the United States to open a new Dojang.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee on viewer's left.
Circa Early to Mid 1970's:  Two officials on either side of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee at the 2nd World Tae Kwon Do Championships.  During this time frame we see more an more influence of the World Tae Kwon Do Association and less on Traditional Chang Moo Kwan. 
February 2 1976:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents Master Hong Ju Kim with a commemorative pennant.  The map in the background designates each outpost for Chang Moo Kwan.  The location is the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters, Seoul, Korea.
Early to Mid 1970's:  A Korean American Master Instructor is awarded with a special plaque by Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.   Supreme Grandmaster is on the viewer's left.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was always traveling somewhere in the world.  What a thrill to be able to visit donjangs in countries all around the world and know that it was your dream to one day do this.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee must have felt he exceeeded even his own visions.
Early to Mid 1970's:  Several instructors in the United State met with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee while he is on tour in America.  Supreme Grandmaster is fifth from the viewer's right.  Everybody looks relatively casual and then there is Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in his suit. 
Grandmaster Wiedenman said once:  "Every-time I saw Grandmaster over the last 20 years before he began teaching aat our San Pedro Dojan, he was in a suit.  At his office in Seoul, the 7th WTF tournament, the Korean restaurants in Seoul, and when he visited for my black belt promotion tests stateside.  When I finally saw him in casual clothes, it was the first time he came to watch an adult class of mine at the San Pedro Y.M.C.A.  He look so different.  When he stood up in the middle of that class a brused the student aside and began teaching...with no prompting at all--in his slacks, sock, and a casual dress shirt--we were all floored.  I remember thinking, I guess you don't need a uniform to look like a Supreme Grandmaster.  He was transformed before all of us, becoming on with his environment, our class, and himself.  Supreme Grandmaster Lee had come home."
January 1976:  Instructor Han Young Kim from the United States of America visits Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters in Seoul, Korea.  Supreme Grandmaster is third from the viewer's right.
January 5, 1976:  Master Instructor Hong Koo Kim visits  the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters before leaving to Spain.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents Master Kim with a pennant.  Supreme Grandmaster is on the viewer's far left.
February 20, 2, 1976 Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee prepares Master Instructor Jae Geum Kang for his trip to United States to start a Dojang.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, on viewer's left, presents an award to Master Kang.  The farwell took place in the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters in Seoul, Korea.
March 18, 1976:  Gathered in Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's Central Headquarters are the directors of the City and Provincial Headquarters of Chang Moo Kwan.  They were all participants in the K.T.A (Korean Tae Kwon Do Association) Referee Training Course.  Supreme Grandmaster is 2nd from the end on viewer's right hand side.
Circa 1970's:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee sits in on a Chang Moo Kwan class in Canada.
Circa Early to Mid 1970's:  At the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters, Master Hur receives both a special certificate and a plaque from Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.

Circa Early to Mid 1970's: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents Master Instructor Bal Hyun Yun receives a official Chang Moo Kwan pennant before he leaves to his new Dojang in the United States.  Ceremony takes place at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters.


It looks as though the gentleman behind the pennant is Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim.

1976: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's portrait extracted from "The Green Book."  Here he is referred to as "President Nam Suk Lee."  Note the lapel pin..very rare.
1976 Mid:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee sitting at his desk in Seoul. Korea at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters where he was serving as President.  Note the Chang Moo Kwan banned/Pennant on the right wall.  This is a very common presentation to instructors and supporters of Chang Moo Kwan.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman was presented with this banner in 1983 when he visited this very office.  Also, if you check the map out here and the map present when Grandmaster Wiedeman visitied in 1983, missing are the strings connecting Korea to the Chang Moo Kwan schools thought the world.  This map designated the Chang Moo Kwan dojang (studios) through out the world.
1976: Green Book Page 6 from Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's Personal "Green Book" signed by Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in 1998.  Grandmaster Nam Sik Lee agree to judge at my.
1976: Green Book Page 6 from Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's Personal "Green Book" signed by Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in 1998.  Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee agree to judge at my promotion test, I asked if he could bring a other "Green Book"  for me.  After the test I asked him to sign several pages.  This page was one of the pages he signed.
1976:  The Green Book is published.  It is considered by many to be"The Bible of Chang Moo Kwan."  It is definitely a snap shot of Chang Moo Kwan at it height.  For a complete copy visit or more specifically:
1976:  The Green Book also contains a complete description of the original Chang Moo Kwan logo.  It should be noted that this is not the logo Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was happy with.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Supreme Grandmaster redesigned it in April 2000.  The new logo is pictured in the pages that follow.
1976: In the Green Book "The Credo of Chang Moo Kwan," presents the 3 key points of Chang Moo Kwan's creed.  They are presented in both Chinese, Korean, and English. 
1976: Jokingly, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman threatens to make singing this song compulsory on each black belt test.  He felt in the end it would deter most candidates from following their dream. 
Grandmaster used to joke with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee about "show me how it is sung."  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman said "I think at some part they felt they needed a song so the threw this in the book.  To this day I have not heard it sung by anybody."
1976: Jokingly, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman threatens to make singing this song compulsory on each black belt test.  He felt in the end it would deter most candidates from following their dream. 
Grandmaster used to joke with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee about "show me how it is sung."  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman said "I think at some part they felt they needed a song so the threw this in the book.  To this day I have not heard it sung by anybody."
1976:  This is Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's resume from the 1940's to 1976.  It is presented here in English.  This timeline is helpful in comparing to many of the classic photos which proceed this resume.
1976: Vice President Grandmaster Sun Koo Kim can be seen in several photos proceeding in the Green Book.  He was a student of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, and the main teacher for Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung in the early 1950's and sixties.  Grandmaster Dae Woog Chung was the teacher of Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, originally.  When many studios wavered in their traditional essence and aspects of traditional Chang Moo Kwan.
1976: The Green Book also includes a Resume of Vice President Grandmaster Soon Bea Kim.
1976:  Based of some of the foundation Chinese classics in philosophy, Chang Moo Kwan came up with its own "Eight Elements in Tae Kwon Do Courtesy."  These Eight Element were derived from the very volatile Korean 20th century experience:  Annexed by Japan and the horrific Korean Conflict you can see this in the "Eight Elements."  Chang Moo Kwan was spawned in post Second World War Korea and then came to its heyday post Korean Conflict.
1976:  Although developed at some point in Chang Moo Kwan's past, the "Eight Elements In Gyorugi Fighting"  set a concise stage for a Chang Moo Kwan fighters physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual posture.
1982: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee attends a regular promotion test at Chung's Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do in Pomona, California.  After a short speech he demonstrated  the Knife Hand block and repeated the importance of articulating in precisely.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is facing forward Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman is standing in the background.
1982:  A close up of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.
1982: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in center of front row sits in on a studio shop pf Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung's Pomona Chang Moo Kwan Dojang (Studio).  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman is located standing on the far right.
1982: A close up of Chung's Chang Moo Kwan students following a regular promotion test...Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee on left seated and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman standing on the far right.
1982: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee has dinner with the judges, Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung, and Chung's Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do association head instructors.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman is located on the left front.  The after the test party was held at a local Pomona Chinese restaurant.
1982: A broader view.:  Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung is sitting to Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee right and Master Kerry Wilson is seated to the left side.

1983:  On Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's first tour of the Far East, and first visit to Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters they exchanged business cards.  This is the front of Supreme Grandmaster Lee's business card.


Worthy of note are his titles on Supreme Grandmaster's business card: "Inspector:  The World Taekwondo Federation/President Taekwon-do Changmookwan Pan-Nation Center Seminary".  i believe at this time he was traveling less to the United States and was living full time in Korea. 

1994: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's business card  back view.

1983:  Going to Korean and seeking the "roots" of Chang  Moo Kwan was a big deal back in the early 1980's.  Master Kerry Wilson and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman under the direction of Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung took of to the Far East with stop in Korea.  "It was a big honor for us to meet up with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters.


Up to that time he was a man who presided over our promotion tests.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was a living legend. The number one English language newspaper was the Korea Times.  This was the article the published during their visit.

1983:  Location--Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarter Seoul, Korea:  Arguably, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and his students have developed the strongest teacher/student relationship with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee than anyone practicing today.  Here on his first journey to the Far East Grandmaster Wiedenman had no idea he would some day train in the United States with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee both with his students as a class and privately.  This storyboard is dedicated to  establishing a general history of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and our relationship with him and Chang Moo Kwan.

1983:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee gave Master Wilson and Grandmaster Wiedenman a Pennant from the Chang Moo Kwan Headquarters.  "It was cool," Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman stated. " We had seen the banner in the "Green Book" but we never thought we would have one of our own."  Grandmaster Wiedenman still has it hanging in his zhome Dojang. 


1984: Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman decided to make a second prolonged trip to the Far East.  On this trip he visited: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Hong Kong, Macao, Mainland China, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.  His goal was get in a much training a he could.  By that time Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman were well acquainted and spent time together socially while Grandmaster Wiedenman was in Korea.  This photo is taken with a map in the background.


This is the same map which serves as a background for many of the historic photos in the pages prior to this one.  Curiously, the strings which used to crisscross the map are gone.  Photo is taken in the lobby and meeting room at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters.

1984: Was a great trip to the Far East for Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, upon meeting him, agreed to and interview over dinner. 


In this photo Grandmaster is having a traditional Korean dinner.  He noted "I have been eating with chopsticks since I was eight, but the ones they brought me could not pass as knitting needles.  Everything I ate just fell off.  Couple that with Saki and you have the recipe for a dinning disaster.  Supreme Grandmaster just smiled and ordered my a fork."  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is wearing a blue suit here.  On his left the interpreter.

1984: Seoul, Korea  A close up of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman having dinner.
Summer 1985:  Outside the 7th World Tae Kwon Do Championships, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman take a shot with two Chang Moo Kwan dignitaries.  They did not really approve of Grandmaster Wiedenman's suit, but it was "Miami Vice," style in the United States.

Summer 1985:  When Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman went back for a third tour on the Far East he had made a lot of friends in several countries. 


On all of his several stops to Korea, Grandmaster always paid respects to Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  That summer the WTF was having a championship a a huge gym in Seou: The 7th World Tae Kwon Do Championships.  My camera was on the blink, and I was trying to get a Korean Tae Kwon Do master to take our was really frustrating.  On top of that, I wore a very contemporary suit indicative of the "Miami Vice" look.  When we got into the car at the Chang Moo Kwan Central Headquarters, Supreme Grandmaster asked if I had another suit to change into.  He still did not ditch me."  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was only mildly interested in the tournament.

Summer 1985:  Here is a shot from the 7th World Tae Kwon Do Championships. "Surrounded by prominent Masters and Grandmaster I was very proud to be by Grandmaster's side through this tournament.  He was very gracious.


It was amazing to see how other instructors greeted him revered him.  Even though it must have been awkward to introduce me, he always did by my name and where I was from.

Summer 1985: A close up of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman at a WTF tournament in Korea. It is the 7th World Tae Kwon Do Championships.
1985: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee gave Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman this program as a souvenir from the 7th World Tae Kwon Do Championships.
March 29, 1999: San Pedro YMCA Dojang Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman Mirror Drawing lessons:  A close up of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's focus.
Summer 1985: Taipei, Taiwan:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee sent Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman to Taiwan, to meet two young Chang Moo Kwan instructors.  "It was great, we trained together, went to the night market, ate great meals.  They were one of the only studios I could find which proudly flew the Chang Moo Kwan flag."

February 15, 1985:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee had asked Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman to keep in touch with him pertaining to his future travels to Korea.  Grandmaster Wiedenman had sent several letters and did not get a response.  

Grandmaster Wiedenman noted: "I guess I wrote a somewhat direct letter to him.  This letter was very apologetic.  When I read it I thought 'oh my God, thank heavens he knows who I am, he could have my head.' "  The reader needs to keep in mind everything was "snail mail."  There we no cell phones, internet, faxes, or pagers.


It was clear at this time Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was living half a year in the United States and Half in Korea.  Grandmaster Wiedenman said:  By reading the letter I just though he was coming for an extended vacation.  I had no idea he was living between two countries.  Later I was to find out that his 3 sons and 1 daughter lived on the West Coast.  It all made sense."  Interesting to note, this letter gives a United States address in Gardenia, California.  When Grandmaster Wiedenman got reacquainted and began training with him he lived in San Pedro.

1989 Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee center of photograph with Grandmaster Dae Woong Chung to his left.  Also in photo are back row: Mr. Jim Farley, Master George Fullerton, Master Kerry Wilson, Mr. John Lechmanik, Mr. John Beck, and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.  This photo was taken in Pomona, California at a regular promotion test.
1989: A closer look at Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, Grandmaster Chung Dae Woong, and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.

1994: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's business card as presented to Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman at a Chung's Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do Promotion Test circa 1994.


This card give him the dual title of "Grand Master: The World Tae Kwon Do Chang Moo Kwan Association/President The World Martial Arts Research Institute."  Noteworthy is the fact there is a physical address in Gardenia, California.  Gardenia is a suburb of Los Angeles and about ten miles from where he would eventually live in San Pedro, California.

1994: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's business card  back view.
1994:  After a Black Belt Promotion Test, an exhausted Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman shakes hands with a smiling  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  "As you can see by most of the historic photos, it was hard to get Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee to smile.  He is smiling i this photo.  I was especially nervous when performing in front of him.  I am sure because we knew each other so well."  Master George Fullerton is standing just over Grandmaster Wiedenman's back.
1994 A close up of Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee shaking hands.

July 9 1998:  This was a letter sent to Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee shortly before he was invited to Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Promotion Test.  At first, Grandmaster Wiedenman was happy to know there was a way to get upper level certificates.  Again at this point nobody had any idea Supreme Grandmaster Lee would embrace the Dojang.


Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was now living full time in San Pedro, California literally a half a mile from Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's apartment.  Grandmaster Jon spoke of this:  "It is must have been fate or karma, of all the places he live in my neighborhood.  It was very lucky for both of us. 

1998: Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:

Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman confers with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and son Master Hack Lee prior to the San Pedro Boys and Girls Club/YMCA Black Belt Promotion Test.  Master Hack Lee acted as a translator.


"It was amazing how this whole chain of events fell into place."  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, said.  "We were looking for a place to get our black belt certificates from.  Master Alex Parades happened to come across a '310' fax number which happened to be a area code I used too.  I knew it must be somewhere in the South Bay area of Southern California, it turned out to be a phone number only 1/2 miles from my home.  I eagerly faxed him an order for a few certificates.  A few days later I faxed him a letter asking him if could attend our test where we were going to present the certificate we had recently procured from him.  I mentioned we were going to have a relatively small test for black belt candidates.  A few moments later I received a fax back...'OK what is the address and time.'  I about fell out of my chair.  When he showed up I realized a door had opened.  It was our opportunity/obligation to pass through it.

1998: At Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:

1998: Location:--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents Master George Fullerton with and upper level black belt certificate.  The official Chang Moo Kwan Flag is in the background.  Master George Fullerton has dedicated his life to Chang Moo Kwan and Martial Arts in general.  He is a world class breaking champion, award winning teacher, and prolific writer.

1998:  Location: San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Master Alex Paredes, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, Master George Fullerton, and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman take a photo in commemoration the event.  Master Paredes is a long time student of Chang Moo Kwan, since Junior High School and a direct student of Master George  Fullerton.  Master Fullerton has been training with and along side Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman for thirty plus years and now hold the rank of 8th Dan (Degree) in Chang Moo Kwan.  Grandmaster Wiedenman is a 9th Dan (degree)

1998: Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presents Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman with an upper level black belt certificate.

It was impossible, still, to imagine Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee would be instructing Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and his students in a few short weeks.  It is also amazing to see how much younger Supreme Grandmaster seems to get as he trains again.  "I could not believe the legend who had judged as so many of my promotion test and been an icon to all Korean Martial Artists was attending and judging at my own Chang Moo Kwan promotion test.  I thinks, after all these year of promoting Chang Moo Kwan, he was glad to see a 'pure and traditional' Chang Moo Kwan Dojang which thought the essence and authenticity of his art."

Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman introduces the black belt candidates to Master Hack Lee and Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  Master George Fullerton listens on. Grandmaster Wiedenman began with a short history of Supreme Grandmaster Lee.  Grandmaster Wiedenman said later, "the younger generation of students had little understanding of what a historical event was taking place.  Nobody could have know what the future held for all of us."

Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Just before the beginning of the test, Master Hack Lee, Supreme Grandmaster Lee's son, and Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman stands at attention awaiting the other judges to arrive.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman gives a last minute briefing to the Master Judges.  From Viewer's left to right:  Master David Johns, Master Tony Barnes, Master Hack Lee, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, Master George Fullerton and Master Alex Paredes.
1998: Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman looks on as the the Master Judges prepare paperwork.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's focus is intense. From Viewer's left to right: Master David Johns, Master Tony Barnes, Master Hack Lee, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, Master George Fullerton and Master Alex Paredes.  "Rarely did Supreme Grandmaster Lee take his eyes off the candidates. 

1998: Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Master Hack Lee and his father Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee prepare to judge.

1998: Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Three stoic judges Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, Master George Fullerton, and Master Alex Paredes.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Three very focused judges scrutinize the black belt candidates.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, Master George Fullerton, and Master Alex Paredes.

1998: Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  In the background Master Tony Barnes 8th degree, Master Hack Lee, and Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Judges observe and tally scores.  From viewer's left to right:  Master David Johns, San Pedro YMCA and Boys and Girls Club instructor, Master Anthony Barnes, Master Hack Lee, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Master George Fullerton.  Supreme Grandmaster Lee's focus is penetrating.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and son Hack Lee review their scores.  Note Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's portrait on the back wall.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Judges and instructors thank each other and the promotion test concludes.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman is in the foreground, Master Tony Barnes in the background.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt promotion Test:  Master Hack Lee, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman were about to have a profound impact on each other's destinies and the future of Chang Moo Kwan.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  In this photo are what would become four of the eightMasters who would become Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's students and taught traditional Chang Moo Kwan. 

When Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman asked Supreme Grandmaster about the idea of teaching his students traditional Chang Moo Kwan, Supreme Grandmaster replied..."What about what they already know?'  Grandmaster Wiedenman said simply:  "I will ask each of them if they are willing to empty their 'cups' in order to embrace without prejudiced your teachings."  Grandmaster then asked each of the eight if they agreed.  It was unanimous.  the hardest part was learning 10 new forms.  But it was done. 
The four pictured here are Master George Fullerton, Master Tony Barnes, Master Alex Paredes, and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.  Not picture are: Master David Johns, Master Louis Rodriquez, Master Rome Saura, Master Wilson Wong and Master Marty Marcus.


1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee with senior San Pedro Boys and Girls Club youth instructors: Maria, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, Mr. Carlos Santa Olaya, Mr. Eliseo Martinez and Mr. Salvador Martinez.  All have contributed many hours under the direction of Grandmaster Wiedenman and Master David Johns.
1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:In this photo are prominent instructors and student in Chang Moo Kwan under Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and consequently Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee: (Viewer's right to left) Grandmaster George Fullerton, Master Alex Paredes, Mr. Humberto Samaniego, Mater Louis Rodriquez, Mr. Eddie Howland, and Mr. Norman Joseph.  In the front row is Master Hack Lee, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master David Johns called Eliseo Martinez, Salvador Martinez, and Carlos Santa Olaya (Back row form viewer's right to left) our "three mihos" or little brothers.  "They were constantly together training with us.  They became family."  Eliseo and Carlos still train and contribute to the Boys and Girls Clubs.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master David Johns called Eliseo Martinez, Salvador Martinez, and Carlos Santa Olaya (Back row form viewer's right to left) our "three mihos" or little brothers.  "They were constantly together training with us.  They became family."  Eliseo and Carlos still train and contribute to the Boys and Girls Clubs.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  The San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Black Belt candidates line up for a photos with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman who along with Master David Johns were their head instructors.  Master David Johns is not shown here. 

From viewers left to right: (and the belt they tested for) Juan Carlos Martinez, 1st Dan; Gina Isitt, 1st Dan; Lawrence Mc Cowan, 1st dan; Truman Der, 1st Dan; (Mater Hack Lee & Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee) Maria, 1st Dan; (Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, 9th Dan (not testing) Carols Santa Olaya, 2nd Dan; Eliseo Martinez, 2nd Dan; Salvador Martinez, 2nd Dan. Grandmaster Wiedenman and Master David Johns agree "Most of these young men and women had been with us for 6 to 10 years, we we both happy they had the honor of testing in front of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee."

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Black Belt candidate Eddie Howland in the middle back did a super job that day on his requirements for 1st Dan Black Belt.  From viewer's left to right:  Master George Fullerton, Master Hack Lee, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, and Master Louis Rodriquez.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  "Looking back, I realize I was sitting next to a Korean National Treasure, a man who had helped transform war torn Korea into a Phoenix rising from the ashes."  (Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman)

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  "Looking back, I realize I was sitting next to a Korean National Treasure, a man who had helped transform war torn Korea into a Phoenix rising from the ashes."(Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman)
1998: Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Now in his 70's Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee looked noble.  "If you compare this photo with how he looked once we got a uniform and convinced him to come out of retirement and are looking at two different people.  He had rekindled his Chang Moo Kwan spirit which enlightened a fire deep with in him.  He had come home."  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman stated when interview about his experience with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  A standing portrait of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Master George Fullerton pauses for a shot with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  Masters George Fullerton and Master David Johns  along with Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman have trained most frequently with Supreme Grandmaster.

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  "At this moment in time, standing next to a legendary martial artist and founder of one on the original Korean Kwans (Schools) I had no idea that our futures would be forever intertwined.  A storybook tale was about to unravel, and for myself and my students, we would be changed forever."  (Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman)

1998:  Location--San Pedro Boys and Girls Club & YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang's Black Belt Promotion Test:  Outside the San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee takes a second for a photo with Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and son Ian Thomas Wiedenman.
Summer 1999:  Location-- San Pedro YMCA Video Interview:  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman did several interviews with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  With the help of a Korean translator, Grandmaster Wiedenman was able to dig deep into some of the philosophical and historical data which would otherwise been lost.  These videos of classes both private and group and the interviews are archived, sorted and frequently reviewed by Grandmaster Wiedenman.
Summer 1999:  Location-- San Pedro YMCA Video Interview:  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman receives a reverse punch to the chest as Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee delivers a a demonstrative strike and explains twisting power.

April 2000:  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman said: "Supreme Grandmaster Lee expressed some dissatisfaction with the original Chang Moo Kwan logo.  Specifically, he did not like the horse head.  So I asked if I could have a shot a redrawing it,  and he agreed. 

I was working with a former San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Black Belt with the artwork.  I thought this would be nice with 'Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee' he looked at it and just said NO.'  We ended up with the one that follows here.  he preferred the dragon to the horses head."

April 4, 2000:  In one interview with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, Jon Wiedenman asked Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee if he was happy with the current logo as noted the "Green Book."  He said not exactly. 


A very short while before his passing, he agreed on the logo pictured here.  (Please note the fax I.D. with "President Lee, Nam Suk.")  He also penned the word "OK" at the bottom, which is so typical of  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee...a man of few words. The Fax was sent to Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's office.  Of historical note, this is the fax number  which Master Alex Parades got accidentally a few years before.  That fax led to  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee to come out of a long time retirement.

January 2001 Tae Kwon Do Times:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's obituary.
August 2000 Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's obituary in Tae Kwon Do Times, January 2001.
January 2002 Tae Kwon Do Times article memorializing Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and his students' experience in training with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee
January 2002 Tae Kwon Do Times article memorializing Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and his students' experience in training with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee
January 2002 Tae Kwon Do Times Second Page
January 2002 Tae Kwon Do Times article memorializing Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and his students' experience in training with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.
1998 Autographed TKD Times
Summer 1998: San Pedro Y.M.C.A Master George Fullerton and Grandmaster Wiedenman stand proudly next to their teacher Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  Photos with Supreme Grandmaster Lee in a uniform are are enough...let alone him actually training.

1998:  Location: San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--Shortly after his first Adult class at the San Pedro YMCA, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee took a photo with Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.   Compare it to the photo prior, almost 20 years separate that first day in Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lees office.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman noted: “Can you imagine; had I known how Life was going to unfold all those years ago in Seoul in Supreme Grandmaster’s office?  I was just a nervous kid in awe I was even standing next to what many considered one of the pillars of Korean Martial Arts, and I considered a Korean National Treasure.  Now, decades later, he had agreed to teach me.  The events really solidified the axiom: ‘When a door opens pass through it.’ 


The uniform Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee is wearing here is the one Grandmaster Wiedenman had tailored and modified per the photo in the issue of TKD Times.  Supreme Grandmaster had told Grandmaster Wiedenman he had no uniform, after he was asked to teach at the San Pedro YMCA.  Grandmaster Wiedenman told him “no problem, I’ll take care of that for you.”  Grandmaster Wiedenman and Master George Fullerton got together.  Remembering an article written by the late James Dussault in the October 1993 issue of “Inside Tae Kwon Do, they used the ‘portrait’ photo inside to recreated an appropriate uniform, bought him the most expensive uniform he could find, and actually had a belt embroidered for Supreme Grandmaster with his name on one side and Chang Moo Kwan on the other.  To this date in may be the first time a then ‘master’ presented a black belt to a ‘grandmaster.’


Grandmaster Wiedenman noted: “I remember presenting the new uniform to him proudly, dropping it off at Supreme Grandmaster’s San Pedro residence a day or two before he taught his first class.  He nodded and said thanks.  He smiled.  I wrapped the belt wrapped neatly around a meticulously folded uniform.  Later I found out I had bought a size too big, so Supreme Grandmaster had it tailored to fit.  He loved the uniform.  When we met at the San Pedro YMCA before either his adult or private classes, I always met him outside in the front entrance.  He would smoke a cigarette outside the front of the entrance before and after each class, just as he had probably done in the 1950’s in Korea.  Nobody bothered him even though he was smoking the cigarette right below a huge red ‘no smoking sign.”

Summer 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee works with Alexander Johns on a lower Front Punch as Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman looks on.
Summer 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in the center of photo has lower belts work on classic blocking and block conditioning.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman on viewer's right.  Now a 3rd degree, and teaching out or Mesa Arizona, Mr. Cosmo Magliozzi is on the far left.  His wife, Rebecca is the yellow belt in the viewer's right.
Summer 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee teaching, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman stated: "No matter when you looked at Supreme Grandmaster Lee, he was always completely in 'tune' with his students.  It seemed he could watch us all at the same time."
Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee counts as students do form exercises.  After exercising and stretching, Supreme Grandmaster almost always did linear form training.
Summer 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Lee is sitting in the back where he often looked over exercises and basic forms.  In the rear of Dojang you can see his was mobile because the YMCA Dojang was shared by several classes.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, still to this day, carries this portrait in his training bag.  Where ever he trains or teaches "up goes Supreme Grandmaster Lee's portrait.  He says:  "It is important to convey to the students and instructors we are in debt to our teachers and they should always be present in our hearts and minds."
Summer 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--"Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was a stickler for the knife hand block, and it was by far his favorite of the blocks.  "He was working on it all the time when Supreme Grandmaster an I did one steps especially in our private classes."  According to Grandmaster Wiedenman.
Summer 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee supervises class.  Grandmaster Wiedenman is in the mirror center of photo.
Summer 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--It was not infrequent to have Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee do a third of the class form practice: Supreme Grandmaster said "Form ins the foundation of a system and certainly Chang Moo Kwan...if you get the form and stances right... everything else will follow."
Summer 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Lawrence McCowan, and original San Pedro Boys and Girls Club student practice a chi exercise.  After you partner up you execute a circular block and then a palm heal strike to the lower abdomen.  It is cool to see the focus in which Supreme Grandmaster Lee dedicates to his observations.
Summer 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Here Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee has students articulate a combination of knife hand high block and simultaneous knife hand strike to opponent's neck.  Supreme Grandmaster really pushed the proper twist in the chop and block to maximize efficiency.  Lawrence McCowan was one of Supreme Grandmaster favorite students.  Lawrence in in the center of the photograph.  Supreme Grandmaster adjusts the arm of a student just behind Lawrence
Summer 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee keeps an eye out o Mr. Mc Cowan's blocking exercises.  "Sometimes Supreme Grandmaster Lee would take me into another room and work on advance form.  He would start the other students on basic blocking...where they actually make contact with each other.  He would then forget the time, and consequently the students would block for 30 or 40 minutes.  They would be really sore that night and the next day."  Grandmaster reflected.
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Lee runs the San Pedro Boys and Girls Club adult class through basic forms at the beginning of class.
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee really like open hand techniques.  Here Supreme Grandmaster Lee demonstrated to Grandmaster Wiedenman how to straighten the elbow for maximum power and penetration.
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--  Master George Fullerton and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman get some one on one with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee. "I took a while before Master Fullerton and I got entirely use to being taught by the founding father of Chan Moo Kwan.  It dawned on us also, we were learning forms that 'became Chang Moo Kwan.'  These were the very forms which Supreme Grandmaster Lee extrapolated from Funikoshi Sensei's 'Karate Jutsu.'  Gichin Funakoshi had found the book discarded in 1930's and began to bring to life the one dimensional black and white photos to compile his forms.  Many, if not all the forms we learned preceded Chang Moo, at that time a young boy practicing martial arts in secret as to not alert the Japanese authorities, had not named his art."
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Master George Fullerton and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman practice a 2nd degree black belt form.  This open handed check and the grab and pull your opponent off balance was particularly hard to "get down correctly." 
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Under the watchful eye of Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee demonstrates part of the 2nd degree form.

Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Lee runs the San Pedro Boys and Girls Club adult class through basic forms at the beginning of class.


Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--In and advance for which requires a jump and then a difficult cross legged landing, Supreme Grandmaster Lee checks to see if Grandmaster Wiedenman's back is straight.  Again Grandmaster's focus is incredible.

Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee works out with Master George Fullerton and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman on a basic 'Ki Bo Pyong.'
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk transitions from a low block to a stepping chop during the San Pedro YMCA adult class.
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee checks out the stepping front punch: "Master or student, you still did the basics everyday."  Grandmaster Wiedenman stated.
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--"I loved it when Supreme Grandmaster Lee would do forms side by side with us.  Supreme Grandmaster did not care who was looking." Commented Grandmaster Wiedenman.  Here Master Fullerton and Grandmaster Wiedenman follow Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Grandmaster Wiedenman said: "Grandmaster Fullerton and I loved going forms with Supreme Grandmaster Lee.  He sought perfection!"  Here Grandmaster Wiedenman and Master Fullerton and Grandmaster Wiedenman one on one with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee take Grandmaster Wiedenman and Mater George Fullerton through the difficult parts of the 2nd degree black belt for.  This was a new form for both instructors.
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee had no problem--at 70+ years old--doing forms along with the class, irregardless of the rank.  Supreme Grandmaster takes Grandmaster Wiedenman and Master Fullerton through a beginning form, Ki Bo Ni.  Rebecca Magaliozzi is the yellow belt to the right.  Currently, she helps her husband Cosmo Magaliozzi with his classes in Mesa, Arizona.
Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee observes basic form.

Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee carefully watches Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman complete the 2nd degree black belt form.  Supreme Grandmaster's hands show the proper completion posture.

Fall 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk transitions from a low block to a stepping chop during the San Pedro YMCA adult class.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee carefully watches Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master David Johns and they freeze for a moment so he can adjust stances and movements if necessary.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee looks so a peace here,  He is completely and totally--as Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman describe this state--"at home in his element doing exactly as he was meant to do."  In the mirror is Grandmaster Wiedenman and Master David Johns.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--This is a technique articulated in several advanced forms where you strike the groin and then rip backwards.  Grandmaster Wiedenman and Supreme Grandmaster Lee face each other and practice.  "Many times I was partnered up with Supreme Grandmaster Lee.  I know he did not strike full force; however, feeling the inner strength that articulate...when 'taking it easy on me,' I would not want to feel the full force of his strikes," Grandmaster Wiedenman expressed in regards to Supreme Grandmaster Lee's technique.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Master David Johns and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman train side by side performing a black belt form.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee looks on patiently.  Both Grandmaster Wiedenman and Master Johns train incessantly together perfecting the forms in between meetings with Supreme Grandmaster Lee.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--"When I look at this picture it is impossible for me to hide my emotions.  here I am, facing off with the Supreme Grandmaster of Chang Moo Kwan, mirroring his just does not get any better than that,"  Said Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman about this photograph.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee facing Grandmaster Wiedenman.  "Ir was hard not to smile the whole time I was training...sometimes I just involuntarily did, and then Supreme Grandmaster Lee would try and hold it back.  Some time I got him to smile, but inside I know he was very happy,"  commented Grandmaster Wiedenman about his experiences with Supreme Grandmaster.

Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Master David Johns watches as Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee does a Ki exercise where the lower abdomen is tightened and your partner strikes you there.  In this case the Supreme Grandmaster's partner is Grandmaster Wiedenman.

Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee checks out two students as they practice blocking exercises.  Cosmo Magaliozzi is on the viewer's left.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee demonstrates a circular groin attack which is a part of a traditional Chang Moo Kwan form.  Grandmaster Wiedenman pointed out:  "You can see the concentration in Supreme Grandmaster attack...e is 70 plus years"
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Another one of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lees favorite techniques was the spear hand.  The spear-hand makes it appearance in several of the traditional Chang Moo Kwan forms.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee looks on as Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master David Johns practice palm heal strikes to the abdomen.  Since Grandmaster David Johns lived in San Pedro, he was able to spend a lot of time training with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--"I loved the way Supreme Grandmaster taught, he never got frustrated of showed tiredness or impatience.  Many of had to 'unlearn' some stuff to embrace his forms, Grandmaster Wiedenman said.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Master David Johns and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman work on and advance Chang Moo Kwan form in a semi private session.  Supreme Grandmaster introduced ten new forms to Grandmaster Wiedenman and his students.  "All the forms made sense, and they are all very traditional.  We could tell right away they were foundations forms, no fluff," Grandmaster said.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee observes Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman launch a palm heal strike to the groin while performing an advanced form.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee watches over yellow belt Bill Cordero.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee adjusts a student's technique.  Grandmaster Wiedenman is in the background.
Winter 1998: Supreme Grandmaster Nam Sulk Lee Teaching Adult Class San Pedro YMCA--Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee looks on as Cosmo Magliozzi and a partner practice palm heal strikes to the solar plexus.  Cosmo is on the viewer's right-center, and Supreme Grandmaster is in the back.
2000: Location--San Pedro YMCA Dojang:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee on the vieiwer's left with the  three instructors who have trained the most with Master George Fullerton, Master David Johns and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.  In the middle is Master Johns' son 2nd dan Tony Johns.
2000: Location--San Pedro YMCA Dojang:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee in the middle with the YMCA Youth Assistant Instructors Viewer's left to right:  Denise Der. Claudia Montez, and Truman Der.  I the back row is Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.
2000: Location--San Pedro YMCA Dojang:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee 10th Dan in the middle surrounded by Chang Moo Kwans head instructors, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, 9th Dan; Master Tony Barnes, 8th Dan, and Master George Fullerton, 8th Dan.
March 29, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee Master George Fullerton on left and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman follow Supreme Grandmaster Lee in a 2nd degree black belt form.
March 29, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee indicates using sign language to the San Pedro YMCA Adult Chang Moo Kwan class to pair up.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee spoke almost no English so this is one of the ways he would communicate with class.
March 29, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee teaches the Advanced Black Belt Class where he looks over the students practicing one steps.  In the background is Master Fullerton and Master Barnes: viewer;s left to right.
March 29, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee demonstrates a open handed combination chop and block to his San Pedro YMCA Adult Class.
May 1999: Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee demonstrates a phoenix fist at Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's jaw.  Master Tony Barnes looks on in front of class and seated on viewer's right is Lawrence Mc Cowan.
March 29, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee Master George Fullerton on left and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman follow Supreme Grandmaster Lee in a 2nd degree black belt form.
March 29, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee  Master George Fullerton and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman follow Supreme Grandmaster in lower belt form.
March 29, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee performs the 2nd degree black belt form along with Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master George Fullerton.
March 29, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee face master George Fullerton and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and demonstrates form.
April 12, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee practices breathing exercises with class.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman has his back turned on the viewer's left.
April 12, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee demonstrates a technique involving open hands against student Alex Johns.
April 12, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee works with Alex Johns on blocking a front kick.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman helps illustrate.
April 12, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee works with students on knife hand blocking.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman helps illustrate while black belt Lawrence Mc Cowan and Alex Johns practice.
May 5, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee practice his forms solo, while Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman gets ready,  This is a legendary shot of a very transfixed Supreme Grandmaster becoming on with his form.  This is one on the many private classes where Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Supreme Grandmaster exchanged Chang Moo Kwan traditions.
April 12 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee confers with Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman on the next technique he will teach.
Jon Wiedenman asks a few questions of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  "Supreme Grandmaster never hesitated to spend the time needed to help cultivate a students abilities.
May 5, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee privately performs forms with Grandmaster Wiedenman.  "These lessons were very special to me...on on one with the highest man in the Korean Arts.  Some days we would do many forms together.  I loved it."
April 12th 1999 San Pedro YMCA Dojang Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman follows the movements of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee as the perform a mid range form.
May 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee works on 3 step sparring with Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.  Here Supreme Grandmaster Lee is using a high block to defend against a high punch by Grandmaster Wiedenman.
March 29, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee does his famous "mirror drawing" where he would use his fingers to draw diagrams in the Dojang mirrors.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master George Fullerton watch on.
April 12, 1999: San Pedro YMCA Dojang Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman Mirror Drawing lessons from Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.
March 29, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee a 'mirror image' as he draws forms for Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master George Fullerton.
April 12, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee draws form patterns in the mirror as Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Black Belts Alex and Tony Johns watch on.  This was the Adult YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Black Belt class.
March 29, 1999: San Pedro YMCA Dojang Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman Mirror Drawing lessons:  A close up of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's focus.
April 12, 1999:  Location San Pedro YMCA Chang Moo Kwan Dojang--(Video Cap) Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee focus as he transfers his ideas and lessons to the Dojang mirror.
April 8, 2000:  Jon Wiedenman's 9th Degree (Dan) Black Belt Certificate signed by Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.
May 25, 1998:  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman was presented with a "Letter of Appreciation" for his contributions to the betterment of Chang Moo Kwan.
August 15, 1998:  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman received a "Certification of Qualification" as a recognized Master and instructor and leader.  It was signed by Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.

August 15,1998:  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presented Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman with a "Letter of Appointment" #727 Appointing White Tiger Chang Moo Kwan to the  Chang Moo Kwan family/seminary.


1998 August The "Certificate of Group Admission" was received allowing for Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and White Tiger as both and individual and a group/system/studio to be a part of the Chang Moo Kwan Seminary.  It was signed by Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.
2013:  With Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's portrait in the middle of the wall, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's home Dojang in San Pedro, California display the many Chang Moo Kwan awards and certificates he has received.