The Chang Moo Kwan Paradox
"To Maintain Total Focus While Completely Aware"
Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee & Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, April, 2000
I would like to dedicate this photo storyboard consisting of pictures from the March 15, 2014 Spring Nationals to the Hahn family, Darlene, James, and Kirsten with deepest love and compassion for the one and only Master Gene Hahn. I spent the day shooting photos of what I felt exemplified Master Hahn’s spirit as I felt it, and as I saw it. So many wonderful families, so much connectiveness with the moment and with each other…this was Master Hahn’s work of art, his legacy, his “bridge.” I realized Master Hahn was the common denominator in all which flowed around us this day.
Everywhere I turned I say the bright blue “Chang Moo Kwan” logo, continually I heard the resonate sound of young men and women clearly proclaiming “My name is…and my instructor is MASTER GENE HAHN.” It was not rehearsed and it was not mechanical, it was that deep confident sound which originates from something which burning inside, and needs to come out, and once it does the words linger on indefinitely as if etched in the invisible stone of our being.
I did not know which photos to post so posted them all, feeling perhaps the viewer can pick the ones most meaningful to them…they were all meaningful to me. Thanks to all our Chang Moo Kwan families who have been so supportive to the Hahn Family, Chang Moo Kwan, and made me feel welcome.
With Love and Light,
Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, 9th Dan MA Ed
The Last Student of the Founder of Chang Moo Kwan
Custodian of the Spirit of Chang Moo Kwan