Chang Moo Kwan: The Source

A Chang Moo Kwan Family: The Kumon's

Peter, Olivia, Emily, Tanom, Natan


July 17, 2013
Traditional Chang Moo Kwan Class

Guest Instructor Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman

World Martial Arts Training Center

Ontario, California

June 29 2012

Chang Moo Kwan

Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee’s

88th Birthday Celebration/Seminar

Korean Friendship Bell

San Pedro, California
Attending the 1st Annual Chang Moo Kwan Celebration of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee presented by Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman on June the 29th 2013, three of the Kamon family martial artist line up with the instructors.  In the front row is Olivia, Emily and Tanom, all provisional black belts in Chang Moo Kwan. 
As the fog rolls out, three of the Kamon family arrive at the 1st Annual Chang Moo Kwan Celebration.  With them is a trophy that Olivia, Emily, Tanom, Natan, and dad Peter, helped to win.  They are carrying the trophy won for "Overall Sportsmanship" at the Internationals in Las Vegas the weekend before.
 A dilligent, compassionate, supportive parent is imparative to success in any of our children's aspirations and dreams.  Sharing a dream is often hard, because it involves an emotional committment which trancendes standing on the sidelines and cheering.  Peter Kamon began training with younger son Natan well after his other three children were well on their way to black belts.  Now he shares the journey first hand.  This is an incredibly beautiful path the family follows as one.
Peter Kamon is a photographer and before the event starts he shares some tips with Natan.  Bob Chamberlin told Mr. Kamon:  "I am taking a picture of you taking a picture."  Thanks Mr. Chamberlin.
Like father; like son
Olivia, Emily, and Tanom training with a low cross block at the 1st Annual Chang Moo Kwan Celebration
Winding up for a cross block.
Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman walks between the students as the Kamon family works towards perfection in one of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's favorite techniques, the cross block to a front kick.
Olivia and Emily work on traditional conditioning exercises taught by Chang Moo Kwan founder Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and taught on this day be Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.  This movement is directed to conditioning of the side of the hand for strikes like chops.
Olivia and Emily Work on conditioning their hands for knife hand blocks and strikes...
 Olivia and Emily practice blocking with the knife hand...
Olivia and Emily and the traditional knife hand blocking a front punch...

Olivia and Emily demonstrate both great technique but amazing focus, again knife hand movements...

As Olivia and Emily demonstrate, accuracy and control is very important.  This is how we learn focus.
Kirsten Hahn works with Tanom on traditional Chang Moo Kwan blocking techniques...
Olivia and Emily in the line up with other instructors and upper ranking students of Chang Moo Kwan.  At the 1st Annual Chang Moo Kwan Celebration the Kamon family were the youngest in attendance.  For any age, they were very well disciplined and they brought a lot to the event in the way of energetic spirit. 

Tanom demonstrates the importance of flexibility

The Chang Moo Kwan instructors and students demonstrate formalized kicking as a group as part of Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's replication of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's traditional training. 
Chang Mook Kwan students trainng as a group on the front snap kick.
Here the group along with the Kamon Family is working on the formal step side kick as one of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's key kicking exercises.
Team Captain Darrell Collins and Coach Ty Romero at the Cahng Moo Kwan training event.
Olivia, Emily and Tanom socialize after the training is complete.
The future of Chang Moo Kwan is with our youth.
Kamon family and others at the seminar portion of the 1st Annual Chang Moo Kwan celebration of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and his traditions presented by Grandmaster Wiedenman.  The students and instructors gather in the comfort of Grandmaster Wiedenman's living room to get emerged in the history of Supreme Grandmaster Lee and Chang Moo Kwan.
As Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman lecture on Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, the Kamon family and others listen in to a lot of information, much unknown and presented for the first time.

Kirstan Hahn and Tanom look over the ocean from the Korean Friendship Bell shortly before the whole say starts.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman said "When we surrender our ability to really wonder about things we loose a part of ourselves which allows free creativity without parameters.  Seeing our youth and watching the way the take in the world, humbles me, and reminds me of a mindset I need to strive for to in order to maintian fluidity in thought."

One of the nicest things that came out of our presentation of the 1st Annual Chang Moo Kwan Celebration was a card I received from the Kamon Family about two weeks after the event on the 29 of June.  It contained four wonderful thank you cards "hand written" by each of the four Kamon children: Olivia, Emily, Tanom, and Natan.  Peter Kamon, their father, also wrote a really fantastic note.  I  was overwhelmed. 
My mom always taught me that respect and manners begins and ends with a simple heartfelt combination of two words... "thank you."  Those simple words carry as much weight as gold to appreciative people and enlightened souls:  one can carry them with you long after they are spoken.   
The cards that follow, I would like to share as a way of thanking the Kamon family for being so very kind and gracious.  I will keep them forever with my martial arts and family treasures.  
By the way Olivia, I am still trying to open the "Ninja Star" without breaking it.  My whole State Farm office was trying like crazy to open it with out it falling apart.  Finally, I named it "my Ninja Star," and I placed it on my bookcase at work forever.
With deepest thanks and respect to mom and dad Kamon for being the guiding light in four wonderful youths.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Very Sincerely Yours,
Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman