Chang Moo Kwan: The Source

Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman:

Forty Years of Community Service


1987 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman come to the aid of an outnumbered police officer in Los Angeles , California

1996 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and his best friend Tom McInally rescue a hiker on a high Southern California peak.

1978 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman demonstrates a flying side kick to the head of an opponent.  This was a demo benefiting the Diamond Bar, California Fire Department.

1981 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman executes a jump roundhouse to student Mark Jackson while demonstrating for the Pomona High School Chang Moo Kwan Club.  The club accommodate 60 young men and women many of who were "at risk."

1982 Pomona, California, the local newspaper commends Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master George Fullerton for their efforts to redirect youth through the Pomona High School Chang Moo Kwan Club.

1983 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman received an award for his continuing help with his the Pomona High Chang Moo Kwan Club

1983 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's letter regarding the 12th Annual West Coast Open Tae Kwon Do Championship shortly after he returned from his tour in Asia.

1983 Summer Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master Kerry Wilson visited Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's office in Seoul Korea and were interviewed by the number one newspaper in Korea, The Korean Times.

1983 To commemorate their meeting, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman was presented with a Chang Moo Kwan silk banner from Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  He was also given an autographed copy of what has become know as "The Green Book."

1983 Grandmaster Jon Wiedednman and Co-Founder Master George Fullerton begin a second of what was to become a total of three Chang Moo Kwan Clubs in the Pomona Unified School district.  By 1984 there were over 150 students between the three high school involved.  Interestingly, many who attended the clubs were not interested in the conventional sports and activities offered by the three high school.

1984 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman received this type written letter from Vance Davis, one of his best students at the Pomona High School Chang Moo Kwan Club.  Vance, after graduating, served proudly with the U S armed forces in Desert Storm.   

1984 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman was give a Certificate of Recognition for his contributions to the school youth by the faculty, administration, and student body.

1984 Chang Moo Kwan continues to grow  between the Pomona High Schools.  This is the first article that mentions the Chang Moo Kwan Clubs mandatory "C" average for its martial artists to be a practicing member.  Master George Fullerton Recalls, "We never lost a student because of grades.  They learned to come tin me or Grandmaster Wiedenman before the had problems.  We would help them between classes and after school.  Or rooms were always open, that was a good thing.  Many of the students have become life long friends. to this day."

1985 On several occasions Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master George Fullerton's students would become involved in Charity Drives.  Above, the Garey High School Chang Moo Kwan team is commended for their involvement in a canned food drive for the needy folks in their neighborhoods.  The cans were submitted through the local Salvation Army.  These activities help instil in their students a higher social responsibility gained from "cultivating Capabilities" within themselves.

1985 Somehow, somewhere between running his High School Chang Moo Kwan Programs, teaching full time, and working on his Masters Degree in both Education and English, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman graduated from Cal Poly Pomona, California.

1984-1985 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's Gary High School Chang Moo Kwan Club swept all the other high school clubs in overall attendance over time.  Over seventy young men and women and 5 faculty members trained from September until June.  Two tournaments, five demonstrations and even a TV show!  Grandmaster Wiedenman's student kept the 2.0 Grade point average needed and had a lot of fun doing it.

1984-1985 The Garey High School Chang Moo Kwan Club got top honors during the 1984-1985 year.  The activities director kept points based on a clubs extra efforts in outside fields.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman spear headed three can food drives for the needy, a drive drive, a board breaking demonstration for a dollar a board for charity, and many other activities.  "We, as a club, developed these activities to help people, and for my students to show martial arts was not just about training and winning trophies and getting belts, it was about helping people."  Grandmaster Wiedenman remembers. 

1986 The Cincinnati Enquirer "Pat Answers for Kids"  In the 1985 Football pre-season, Pat McInally, the starting Punter for the Cincinnati Bengals approached Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman about using Chang Moo Kwan to enhance his kicking.  Tom McInally, Pat's younger brother, and Jack McInally, Pat's dad put Pat in touch with Grandmaster Wiedenman.  Tom was Grandmaster Wiedenman's best friend fellow classmate at Cal Poly Pomona.  Pat was a Harvard graduate and an incredibly dedicated student.  In the article Pat talks about what an influence the training had on his life.  Grandmaster Wiedenman and Pat McInally would spend on hour practicing the basics of Chang Moo Kwan in the studio, and then head out to a local high school to apply it to punting.  Amazingly, a few years later, Jack McInally, Pat's dad would higher Grandmaster Wiedenman as a State Farm Insurance agent and serve as Grandmaster mentor and coach.  All the McInallys have had a tremendous impact and influence on his life. 

1985-1986 For the second straight year Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's Chang Moo Kwon Club one top honor. Once again the club focused on outside events such as raising money annd putting on demonstrations.  It was on of the first times that all three high schools in the district got together and competed agains each othe in the Inter High School Chang Moo Kwan Champinoships.  Gary was to sweep the event for three straight years.

1987 As Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman wrapped up a successful seven year teaching career in the Pomona Unified  School District.  The teachers from Title VII, who recognized Grandmasters influence on so many of the schools young men and women presented him with this plaque. 

1987 Gary High School, Pomona , California.  After Co-founding what became the Pomona Inter-High School Chang Moo Kwan Clubs Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman retired from public High School teaching to become a State Farm Agent in Long Beach, California.  Master George Fullerton continued the program until 2009.  On his last day, students from all three high school gathered at Garey High School for one last goodbye, and they presented Grandmaster Wiedenman with the plague above.  "It was one of the most difficult moment of my life, and when the students read the words to me in public, I was totally unprepared.  I had realized how powerful of an influence a teacher can be.  I looked at their faces, and I realized that all barriers had been overcome because of the beauty of Martial Arts and Chang Moo Kwan, it was the bridge that spanned the differences."

1991 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master Anthony Barnes receive a plaque in recognition of their continuing support of the Pomona Inter-High School Chang Moo Kwan Clubs by the now Head Instructor George Fullerton.  "Grandmaster Fullerton in one of the greatest teachers and leaders I have ever met," says Grandmaster Wiedenman.  Master Anthony Barnes was a detective for the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), and Grandmaster was finishing his first few years as a State Farm agent in Long Beach, California.  Both attended promotion tests and tournaments, and Grandmaster Wiedenman was well on his way to establishing his Chang Moo Kwon studios in the South Bay, and specifically San Pedro. 

1992 San Pedro High School did an article on the flourishing San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Chang Moo Kwan Class.  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman started the Chang Moo Kwan Club in early 1990, using the same values and principals he and Master George Fullerton established in 1980 with the High School Chang Moo Kwan clubs.  San Pedro, where Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman decided to make his hometown, became a wellspring of Chang Moo Kwan Clubs.  The San Pedro Boys and Girls Club is where Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was invited to, and attended, the promotion test that eventually lead to his involvement with Grandmaster Wiedenman's classes. 

1994 The San Pedro Boys and  Girls Club under the direction of Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman was in full swing.  Once again Grandmaster's classes were open to anyone with a desire to learn.  Again, many students flourished in this environment who otherwise had no physical niche.  At a tournament, sponsored by Master George Fullerton at his Pomona High Chang Moo Kwan Clubs gym, the newly founded San Pedro Club proudly brought back 15 trophies.  Above student Eliseo Martinez now is one of the head instructors in San Pedro.

1994 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman recieves recognition for 20 years in Chang Moo Kwan.

1995 June The News Pilot features the San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Chang Moo Kwan Team as a cover story.  Now is its 5th year, classes are so they fill the gym.

1995 Flowers From Korean Council were delivered to Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman in a show of appreciation for his accomplishment as a Chang Moo Kwan instructor.

1995 In this letter from now black belt Lawrence Mc Cowan he thanks Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman for his guidance.  Mr Mc Cowan can bee seen in the newspaper article relating the San Pedro Boys and Girls Club trophy accomplishments.  Lawrence was a very dedicated student, and next to Grandmaster Wiedenman, Master Fullerton, and Master David Johns, he has trained the most with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.  He can be seen in many of the photographs in the "A Spark Ignites" section.

1995 was the first of two years Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman would be presented with the honor of "Volunteer for Youth Award."  Because of his tireless work with "at risk" youths of all ages and the ethnic diversity of his students---which excluded no one...Chang Moo Kwan was taking a place of honor and recognition in the community. 

1996 The San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Chang Moo Kwan team were back in action one year later with more trophies.  Among Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman's top students are black belt Lawrence MC Cowan, Eliseo Martinez, Salvador Martinez, and Carlos Santa Olaya.  All four were founding members of the club, and all four went on to give back to the Boys and Girls Club as assistant instructors.

1995 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman was given this letter by his top students.  With it came a oval glass container with Grandmaster Wiedenman's name and date etched the surface.   It was filled with San Pedro beach sand and 15 marbles set in a circle.

1996 Again the San Pedro Boys and Girls Chang Moo Team take home honors not only with many trophies, but with several students getting "Best Instructor" awards.  Eliseo Martinez, Salvador Martinez, and Carlos Santa Olaya continued to help Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman build the program, now instructing close to 100 San Pedro youths.

1996 South Bay, California Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman receives a prestigious award given by the Department Store Chain J. C. Penny's for his work with redirecting at risk youth through the San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Chang Moo Kwan. 

1996 Carlos Santa Olaya became the first San Pedro Boys and Girls Chang Moo Kwan member to achieve his 1st degree black belt.   


1997 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman was nominated by State Farm Insurance for their prestigious "Circle of Excellence Award" for his work with "at risk" youth.  "My whole life was about managing risk," Said Grandmaster Wiedenman.  During the day I manage the day to day risks of my State Farm Policyholder trying to prevent losses to their property or person.  In the afternoon I worked my San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Chang Moo Kwan program redirecting "at risk" kids to a more productive, meaningful, focused way of life.  In the evenings I would work with my San Pedro YMCA adult class on how to minimize their risk of being mentally, physically, and emotionally attacked." 

1997 Two more San Pedro Boys and Girls Club Chang Moo Kwan members received their Black Belts.  Brother Salvador Martinez and Eliseo Martinez went on to help teach and give their efforts at redirecting the "at risk" youths in the community.  Under the guidance of Master David Johns, Eliseo helped open three other Boys and Girls Club Chang Moo Kwan studios at the Wilmington and Harbor locations.

1997 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman with the help of Antonio Johns, the son of Master David Johns, give a demonstration and a discussion with about 200 students in a "Stranger Danger" class at Holy Trinity Catholic School in San Pedro California.  Grandmaster Wiedenman has done over a hundred "Stranger Danger" seminars and demonstrations over the last two decades.  I all Chang Moo Kwan promotion tests, the first yellow belt exam, in fact the first test the young students ever take, each is required to break away and run from a potential attacker using 3 separate techniques.

1997 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman is recognized by State Farm Insurance Company for his efforts to redirecting youth.  "My whole life was revolving around risk,"  Grandmaster Wiedenman states.  "During the day I helped my insured manage their every day potential risks to their property and person, in the afternoon I worked at redirecting "at risk youth," and at night I taught adult classes helping my students protect themselves against the risk of physical, mental, and emotional harm through the diligent practice of traditional Chang Moo Kwan.

1998 Marked a year of many milestones for Chang Moo Kwan in San Pedro.  The work with redirecting at risk youth was at it pinnacle, and at the same time a relationship with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee was blossoming.  The San Pedro Boys and Girls Club recognizes Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman for his dedication to the youth of the city in early 2008.

1998 San Pedro Boys and  Girls Club Executive Director submitted this Ballot on behalf of Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman.  Grandmaster Wiedenman recalls "It was a proud night for the art of Chang Moo Kwan, myself, Master George Fullerton, and all my students.  I was standing next to my best friend, who 20 years before stood beside me when we faced 60 Pomona High School students eager to learn and change their lives an train through Chang Moo Kwan.  Many years had passed, and we were still teaching the same basic fundemental things we taught in the beginning" 

1998 News Pilot acknowledge that Chang Moo Kwan and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman will be among the honored recipients on the "Service to Youth Award."

1998 Marked a monumental night when the San Pedro Boys and Girls Club asked Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master George Fullerton to put on a demonstration in front of many city official and celebrities at a Keystone Dinner at San Pedro Dalmatian Club.  An all student team executed a fantastic demonstration in front of hundreds of attendees.  The most notable pictured here with Master George Fullerton on the left and Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman on the right is Baseball coaching legend Tommy Lasorda.  Mr Lasorda commented on the fact "all youths need the opportunity to excel like the young men and women in the demonstration team.  On this night, Grandmaster Wiedenman was to receive several awards along with Master Fullerton.

1998 At the San Pedro Dalmatian Clubs Keystone Dinner, Grandmaster Wiedenman received the "Service for Youth Award" for his second time, and in addition was honored with 1998 "Certificate Of Congressional Recognition" and the "City Of Los Angeles Commendation."  He alos recieved a letter from the Honary Mayor of San Pedro Camilia Kocol.

1998 Mike Lansing, the Executive Director of the San Pedro Boys and Girls Club, has been a dedicated supporter of the San Pedro Boys and Girls Chang Moo Kwan Team.  He was instrumental in the growth and development by giving the team and  Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman what they needed in resources and space.  Now 20 years later, Mike Lansing works with the teams head instructor Master David Johns to promote and support the youth program.  Master Johns has been instrumental in seeing to it the San Pedro Boys and Girls Club and the YMCA Chang Moo Kwan clubs flourish.

1999 Grandmaster Jon Wiedeman is acknowledged in a State Farm magazine covering the Keystone dinner.

1998 Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Master Jon Wiedenman exchange many letter initially, both when he lived here and when Grandmaster was in Korea.  It still amazes Grandmaster Wiedenman to see San Pedro on the letterhead.  In Fact, from where Grandmaster lived for many years was only a 5 minute drive from his house.  "How, over the years, I never bumped in to Grandmaster Lee at the local Vons, our favorite coffee shop, I'll never know."  After he started teaching me, we were constantly running into each other.  I think it must have been a matter of awareness." 

Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman was presented with his logo placed on a flag by his upper level black belts.  White Tiger Chang Moo Kwan was set aside when the group began training with Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee, shortly after this photo was taken.  The tiger was taken from a Water color on silk painting Grandmaster was given in Asia in 1984 to represent the name his martial arts gave him, "The White Tiger."  In the photo left to right: Mr. Anthony Johns, Master George Fullerton, Master David Johns, Master Anthony Barnes, Ian Thomas Wiedenman--Grandmasters Son--Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, Mr. Norman Joseph, and Master Alex Paredes

1999 March, "Reflector" a State Farm Magazine acknowleged Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman for his contributions to the youth in his community.

1999 Grandmaster Jon Wiednman cherished the notes that his students gave him.  "I have kept each one close to my heart, because I think of the time, effort, and barriers transcended to be the recipient."

1st Degree Black Belt Certificate

"Letter of Appreciation"

May 1998

For Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman

From Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee


This certificate acknowledges Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee and Chang Moo Kwan's appreciation for the betterment and dedication to the principals of his art

"Letter of Appointment"

August  1998

For Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman

From Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee


This certificate appoints Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and his students officially to Chang Moo Kwan

"Certificate of Group Admission"

August 1998

For Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman/White Tiger

From Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee


This certificate appoints White Tiger as a school to join the official ranks of Chang Moo Kwan schools

"Certificate of Qualification"

August 1998

For Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman

From Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee


This certificate recognizes Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman as outstanding in the practice, instruction and leadership in Chang Moo Kwan

"9th Degree Black Belt Grandmaster's Certificate"

April 2000

For Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman

From Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee

2010 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman certificate wall in his home studio in San Pedro.  Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lees portrait is ever present.

2000 A Long Beach, California Newspaper acknowleges Grandamster Jon Wiedenman's contribution is this article "Locan INsurance Agent Get a Kick Out of Helping Kids." 

2001 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman is presented with an award commorating his efforts following Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's passing. 

2002 About a year and a half after Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee's passing, Tae Kwon Do Times published and article addressing the relationship between Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, Master George Fullerton and his teachings at the San Pedro YMCA. 

2001 Januray the details of Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee are put forth in a final tribute to the life and accomplishments of a great martial arts.  Being his top practicing students, Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman and Master George Fullerton honored Supreme Grandmaster Lee with his 10 degree.

2003 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman receives a plaque of recognition for eight masters of Chang Moo Kwan who trained and supported Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk in San Pedro. The Eight Sided Pa Qua encloses all eight of Supreme Grandmaster Lees San Pedro Masters:  (Top and clockwise) Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman, 9th; Master Anthony Barnes, 7th; Master George Fullerton, 7th; Master Wilson Wong 5th; Master David Johns, 5th; Master Rome Saura, 5th; Master Alex Paredes, 5th; Master Louis Rindriquez.  The eight sided Pa Qua has traditionally been a symbol Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman has used to symbolize the possible points of attack and defense.  Grandmaster Wiedenman has presented each of his black belt for over a decade with a simple jade pa qua upon reaching a level of black belt.  They are specially made in Chinatown, California.  One was also presented to Supreme Grandmaster Nam Suk Lee.

2010 Grandmaster Jon Wiedenman was presented with a recognition plaque for his contributions to Chang Moo Kwan and in particular Wong's Martial Arts Training Center.  Master Wilson Wong is one of the best instructors of traditional Chang Moo Kwan and follows the forms taught and recognized by Supreme Grandmaster Lee Nam Suk.  Master Wilson Wong is known for his firm, fair training.  He is highly disciplined and expects his students combine effort through time to achieve even the first degree black belt level.  He is a true master.